Hi guys! Hope you are all doing well,today I am going to talk about a very important thing which we ignore or give less important,@read cash Is a platform where you write your own articles according to your mind style Here although we are from different countries or regions there should be these following things which we should do thi

  1. You should admire the hard work of writers
  2. Don't consider that he is using low quality words or using simple words
  3. You should look his/her work and also give him/her courage that he /she can write the article again in a more beautiful way
  4. You can also suggest the author in a positive way not insulting his/her writing style 5 always treat everyone equally If we do these things we will be able to increase our goals. Always stay positive Love bch💓 Promote BCH💓 Promote noise.cash 💓
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@Yaseensaim976 posted 3 years ago
