Being broke

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Written by
2 years ago

The title sounds a bit awkward. But sure I know many of us can relate to it. Being broke is a situation we must have been in a couple of times and most of us have struggled to avoid that brokenness.

I don't mean to be broken like a bottle would break as in the past tense, but that situation you find yourself having no money either in your pocket or you have spent all the money you have in your bank account and are left with nothing. Not only that, but again everyone is broke too that they don't have a dime to help you at the moment. You just find yourself stranded and having nothing to fall on.

The situation becomes even tense when you're living all alone and farther away from home. As a single individual living in a rented space, you just have to spend on many things to get on with your daily life. It is even worse if you live in a place where you have to pay for the most basic thing like water and generate your electricity. This is the situation I found myself in this month.

I was shown onto because I used to be always broke. After joining it, I must confess it did pay my bills. And then I got spammed which I lost a very lucrative account and I could barely tell exactly how that happened. I think I've talked about this in my previous article and you can have a read on my being spammed. This platform was my job every day before that incident but having a new account, I hope it gets to pal with the one I used to have before it.

Firstly when I registered this new account, I tried to get it off as I did in the previous one. My first article's earnings was encouraging. But it was not until I was already giving up on it. It took days to start seeing the rewards pouring in on the number one article. And I was excited that indeed it went well.

My second and third articles did bring in the juice as expected and I would say those have been my worst performing articles since I started writing articles. Like it did the first one, it also took days to start seeing the rewards by this time it was ways too slow and low. And due to that, I couldn't meet my weekly target of cashouts. This has affected my financial situation significantly. Alas, the reason for my brokenness.

I know one would want to say I am never wise to have just one income source. I agree and indeed it is never of economic wisdom to depend on just one income. I do have another source only that serves as that quick fund that you need to take care of little things. I've read stories about people whose situations have turned better by coming on this platform to write and I must say I'm a testimony to that. And for the fact that I have achieved quite a lot, I wish to do some donations to the platform if I become more buoyant.

A friend called me yesterday about and expressed his fears that it may be crashing soon. We spoke at length when he related to me that he may not have a thing to fall back on when it eventually goes off soon. To soot his heart, I told him not to worry much even though I don't know what fate lies before me. He has always been a friend since our high school days. Although he is graduated from the University while I'm still pursuing my studies. He was working as a school teacher and ever since he came here, I have seen a lot of changes with him. It was he who showed me to this platform. A couple of times when I first started, it was a failure. However, I never gave up due to his encouragement. And after I lost my phone and every other thing along with it that lost, only for the few things I backed up on my PC, I couldn't retrieve the former account. So I have to register a new one and I was eldorado.

I hope this lucrative platform does not crash soon. However, they have made it pretty clear from the start. I have read about how one needs to get prepared for a possible crash of the platform. And just yesterday after dropping the call on my friend I started reminiscing about what I read and what he told me. It was only then it struck me with the possibility of the platform crashing. May be the reality of being broke for a longer period may be true but we just have to find viable alternatives.

$ 0.15
$ 0.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Yandex
Written by
2 years ago
