Crypto "evangelization" project in Brazil

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Avatar for WladimirCrippa
3 years ago

My name is Wladimir Crippa, I am administrator of the Bitcoin Brasil group on Facebook - [ - group that has more than 150,000 members. I am also an organizer of BITCONF, the largest crypto conference in Latin America, which has already held 8 ordinary editions, 1 special summer edition and 2 online editions. The biggest editions of BITCONF had an audience of 1500 people (2018) and 1700 people (2019).

More than 200 speakers have passed through BITCONF, including Roger Ver, who made 3 participations per video. Unfortunately, there is still no face-to-face participation, but I hope that soon Roger Ver will soon be able to join us in 3D 😎

BITCONF and the Bitcoin Brasil group have certainly contributed a lot to the promotion of cryptocurrencies in Brazil. But I know that we can do more. And we must do more.

Next year I intend to carry out a project of dissemination and popularization, focusing on medium-sized cities here in Brazil. The first stage of the project will last 3 months.

The idea is to rent a bus with a capacity for a team of 6 to 8 people to be able to travel and live on it. The bus will arrive in the selected cities (Bagé, Pelotas, Rio Grande, Santa Maria, Caxias do Sul, Porto Alegre (in Rio Grande do Sul); Criciúma, Lages, São José, Florianópolis, Blumenau, Joinville (in Santa Catarina); Londrina , Maringá, Curitiba (in Paraná) and, in these cities, will seek to locate in the central region.

During the days that the bus remains in the city there will be lectures, video exhibition, distribution of leaflets, meetings with business associations (small, medium and large) and civil society associations (third sector).

Certainly, this action will also have repercussions on local media outlets (websites, portals, blogs, newspapers, radio and television).

The project will have its own website and daily videos will be recorded, reporting the facts and actions taken. The trip to each city will be planned in advance, when we arrive we will already have an agenda to be fulfilled and actions to be taken.

In each city, or each section of cities, volunteers will be taking turns to participate, to help in this work of evangelization.

This first 3-month experiment, being successful, will be the test for a bolder next stage, of making publicity trips through the interior of Brazil throughout the year 2021 and 2022.

It will be the Bitcoin Cash bus. I count on the support of the community to be able to raise the resources to carry out this action. We estimate that with US $ 30,000 we will be able to do it.

I can count on you?

$ 11.66
$ 5.00 from @tula_s
$ 4.65 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @majamalu
+ 2
Avatar for WladimirCrippa
3 years ago
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Welcome Wladimir. Can you provide some verification of your identity?

Identity verified via WhatsApp and previous contact I'd had with Wladimir.

This is an interesting plan, thanks for sharing it, Wladimir.

Will it be Bitcoin-Cash-only?

Will you be preparing a more detailed plan?

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Sorry, I failed to answer another question. The idea is to educate about cryptocurrencies in general. But of course, if the Bitcoin Cash community is the one that most collaborates on the project, Bitcoin Cash will have a greater prominence. I am finalizing the project in more detail and soon we will have a website presenting the whole idea.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So you're going to play us off against each other to see who gets "greater prominence"... I am skeptical on this. Passion is what really gets the job done in this space and if someone is not passionate about Bitcoin Cash but wants funding from the BCH ecosystem, that gives me pause.

Thanks for the reply.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No way. If you follow the Bitcoin Brasil group, which I have been part of the administration since 2012, you will see that in it all cryptocurrencies have space. None pays to show up anymore. Likewise, at BITCONF all altcoins and projects also have space, whether or not they sponsor the conference. I never "played" currency against currency. We are all in the same boat. And I hope we're all on the same bus.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well, you can send me a message on my profile on Twitter @wladi or on my Facebook and you can check it out at the Bitcoin Brazil group / groups / btcbr / that I am, in fact, the moderator of the group and the organizer of BITCONF

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh I know. We have talked before. Just want to make sure no one is impersonating you. Whatsapp'd you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

:) LOL

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Glad to see you around here Wladimir :)

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Good article and very informative...

$ 0.00
3 years ago