My neighbor last week have a hard time to breath, and his body have become numb.He fight it for almost one hour and the rest of the neighbor have helped him, like massaging, and taking herbal medicines just to help him relieve from pain and being dizzy.Some people say that they need to bring him to the hospital but he refused because he was afraid to be diagnosed as covid positive.Majority of people here are afraid to have a check up or being admitted to the hospital because of some protocols that they want, like swat best first before admission.And also, we will pay with the swab test and if the family is poor and no enough income they cannot afford to pay the swab test that's why they choose to stay at home even when they got sick.
It seems that the people have no trust to any hospitals they have always a doubt with what will happened to them.There are some isolated cases that some of the elderly that is being vaccinated here have suffered different kinds of side effects which makes the people being afraid to get vaccinated.Thats why I wonder if the government can reach the herd immunity before 2022 when the people have felt scared with the vaccine.
On the other hand, there is a positive side of the story when they have become productive with planting vegetables and racing crops.
As I have observe, most people here have plan their own vegetables and raise new breed of goats abd rabbits.And the government have also support these projects by giving them livestock to start their living and its free they just need to attend all the seminars and workshops.
This changes of our living would seem become permanent , even if the people have gone through a lot of adjustments because of many protocols in different places.
It also affects with relationship towards our friends and family.
Due to the observation of social distancing and health precautions people are rarely having a get together unlike before that we can have a family bonding and friends reunion.
When the lockdown started the local government have not let us to have a mass gatherings like worship service.Because if this we had our new schedule at 5 am from 9 am and the mothers who have little ones cannot attend even the senior citizen.
Speaking of senior citizen I just had a short story.
I have an 85 years old grand mother and from the start of lockdown she is not able to go the market to buy any good.She always ask me and the rest of the family that she wanted to go to the town.But we always said no, we just want her to be contaminated with virus.Until the time , she became angry and try to escape but whatever she said the vehicles in our place would not let her ride with motorcycle or tricycle.
Until one day, she received her pension of the senior citizen and finally, she have reached the town.
She almost crushed with a motorcycle because she said she forgot how to cross the road because shes never been there for two years.The driver just laughed at her and my father have run towards her.
But now she never want to go to the market anymore, she always stay at home.
There are a lot of couples also that have been into a long distance relationship because of precautions in different places.It affects with source of income in some residents here, and the way of living , many have become resourceful with creating a new ways to earn money.
Until this day, some of my neighbors have illnesses like fever but they are all stay at home.
Despite of this happening , people are still happy abd smiling.The neighbors have shared their problems and help each other,I think that's a very positive result of covid virus.
Just keep going.
God bless you.
We are in lockdown and we crossed one month and 7 days. Still in the room.
The situation here is too critical. Lack of awareness. Not following health precautions.
Seeing that I feel worst to come.