A busy human is an angry human

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Avatar for Winx1988
2 years ago
Topics: Rest

This words came from my friend who visited me in the morning, an unexpected visitor came in with her family. It's a surprised visit, which I really didn't expect, and also, it's one of the cause why we are delayed with our household chores today. But, in the end that conversation was not a waste of time, but it was all worth it, because we had a wonderful sharing, as a parent, as a wife and a friend.

The main topic that we shared, is all about "an busy human is an angry human, these are words that comes from our friend, who shared that because of his busyness working all day, he doesn't noticed that he became an angry man when his at home. It affects his family, especially to his children, who can often received the negative outcome of his emotions.

This kind of emotions and feelings was all true with me at the same time. When I was doing a lot of things in the house almost each day, and my mind was loaded with thinking, and facing some responsibilities that I have, I will end up angry too.

When our human brain is fully occupied and our body was restless, it cannot function well. Every time, that a man cannot spend time to breath in and breath, it will makes him very exhausted,and it seems like a grounded electrical wire, that whoever can touched it even in a very small part, it will give an impact, it may hurt, or cause reaction, to anyone.

Humans are not made like a machine, but even a big equipment also needs to have a break, it will overheat or sometimes having technical problem if it is used frequently without rest. How much more humans who are subject for restlessness and tiredness when we are often out of rest through all the workloads that we had each day.

Most of the time angry, will come out of a busy day, I just observed that personally, and even with the rest of our family members. When there were times that everybody gets too busy, there's always a friction, and that is hard to deal sometimes if we are out of control,and we just let that emotions flow out of the way.

The most advisable is to REST


Just like a phone that is lagging, it needs to reboot, turn off for awhile and then open it again. In order to refresh the apps and the phone itself can start over over.

Humans are also like that, we need to reboot ourselves from a busy day, for the week of facing different tasks, and even with our workloads both online and real world. I have read, one of noise.cash user, that she will be out today with no gadgets, to keep herself relax and rest for a while, I can say that it was the best decision that she made.

E- Enjoy nature and family

Nature is the best place to give a break with ourself, the place with quite, and natural scenery away from the noise of the outside.

S- Sunday is family day

Sunday is supposed to be a rest day, but sometimes we still used it to work, or finish some of our tasks, especially for someone who is a housekeeper like me, I'm still doing a lot during Sunday, but I'm happy that there is church time for four hours, listening to the preacher and praising the Lord with family.

T- touch down

From Monday to Sunday our energy seems like soaring, I can't explain how did workloads can give us the adrenaline to accomplish those things, despite of.

The mode of our brain and heart should touch down, I must say so, first of all to myself, to keep me from stress and becoming an angry person.

An angry emotion may hurt people, or affect others motivation.

It's Sunday, happy weekend. Thanks for patiently reading my post for today, lastly, this thoughts that I've written was a lesson for me to ponder.

Hoping your all safe and healthy!

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Avatar for Winx1988
2 years ago
Topics: Rest


Much work much business makes human angry in some conditions a lot of load on human head makes you feel angry and depressed. so sometimes we need to take a relax time to relax the brain.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Truly a busy human is am angry human I can testify to this when ever am occcupied I don't have time for other am just to full so I will be harsh amd all sort of. I totally agree with you..

Thanks for the article!.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you too for reading this. I am like that kind of person too, and it's the reality of humans. I am experiencing the same situation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

my pleasure!.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it happens. We should keep ourselves relax on Sunday so that we can work better for the next weekdays.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right, it is very important to at least spend time relaxing on weekend like Sundays.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True sis. Pressure and stress affect our relationships with other people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's really affects, Yong stress talaga, nakakaapekto both in physical and emotional health.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parang relate ako diyan sis hehe.. Indeed we really need some rest para magrecharge..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we are, KAilangan talaga natin ng pahinga, dahil Tao rin Lang tayo may kahinaan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Relate ako dito sis. Yung sobrang busy mo tas walang tigil loaded na mind mo. Madala din yung emotions mo. Ma feel mo talaga yung galit.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Totoo Yan sis, kasi ganyan din ako, mahirap talaga pag loaded tayo palage, napupuno rin talaga ang utak natin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo sis diba yung parang mawala na yung mind natin kasi dami na iniisip kaya nagagalit tayo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago