5 Things that matters

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Avatar for Winx1988
1 year ago
Topics: Life

There maybe top 10 or more in your lists when we talk about things that matters in our life. And possibly we do have different answers when we are going to do a list for it. And here's some of the things that matters to me now.


Faith matters to me, because it's what completes my life as a human, to be able to recognized my creator above all. I always believed that my life's existence is not by accident,but it is with great sense and purpose. You and I maybe have different kind of faith, but here's one thing that I can say, "I believe that there is someone who is the highest above all, who made all this things".

In our life nowadays, we can be strengthen by our faith and it will lead us through the way where we should follow.


Rule#1,protect your peace.

How do you value your peace, in mind, or in your heart, it's with great value and worth. I can't imagine living a life full of conflict, chaos and uncertainties which sometimes we cannot avoid.

But, we have to take charge in protecting our peace, by not letting our heart's in trouble. How do we protect our peace? By not letting our heart be distracted by situations and circumstances that we are not related, letting go with our doubts and fears. Your the only one who knows what are the things that destroys your peace, you have the right to protect it.


Nature provides everything that we need in our life like food,water, fresh air, those things are relevant in our life, and it's our co-existence, life without it will be different and tough. As we all know that our earth's situation is very alarming as we are in a climate change that is hard to addressed. Imagine if the world will only have 15 years to exists, how do we lived each day to cherished life to the fullest. Let's hope, pray, and do our part to help conserve and preserve the world we live in.

I was just so blessed to lived in a place where I felt that were very close to nature. Everywhere I can see tress and heard the voices of the birds and enjoy fresh air.


It includes family, husband and wife, friends, colleagues, and set of 2 or more persons that we are involved. I've always read some posts that it's too hard to find real friends and people where we can have a close relationships that is real and intimate. But, I'm sure that there is someone, who is always be there for us, either a family, siblings or a friend,more than all, no one should live alone. Relationships matters to our life, it helps us to survived and inspire us to keep moving, our cheer leaders that will lift us up when we fell weak and weary. Most of all, love binds everyone of us, either in the family, friends and in any form of connections, without love it's all in vain.


In tagalog it's "kamalayan", for me it's about time that we should not just ignore what happens in the world, in our community, society where we belong. Our awareness about the latest things that happens will help us to live wisely. According to Darna serye, "ang pinaka malaking kasalanan ay pag hindi mo ginawa ang isang bagay na dapat meron kang ginawa". Or, "it is a sin in which you can do something but you didn't take action". I don't mean that we will be like superhuman, but it is to be aware the situation of our family, and in our environment. Every little things that we can do, counts as a great contribution into something or someone.

In real life it is true, sometimes we can ignore things that supposedly we can do something about it. And ask ourself, why would I, "bahala na sila diyan", let them be, it's not my business.

We should be aware, we be part of a change, and demonstrate it. For example in climate change, what action did we take, to participate the rehabilitation of nature!? Do we act on it? Are people we're aware of it?


For practical reasons, yes we do need it. Not in a form of greed, but it's helpful to live our life comfortably and sustain the needs of our family daily. Money is a good servant, right? But we should not be enslave with it, we need wisdom to manage it well, and used it responsibly.

The reason we work everyday, use our abilities, skills and any ways that we can, to earned it.Money is the source of all evil? Is that right? I believe it's not the money alone, but it's within the heart that desire for money for self satisfactory reasons, that's why they do evil things to acquire it. Money is a servant in our life, it's not the boss.

Those are the things that I've mentioned which I consider valuable too 5 things in life, maybe you can have more lists too.

Life can be so challenging, let's take courage,fighting!

"lead image from unsplash".

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Avatar for Winx1988
1 year ago
Topics: Life


Any of these is very valuable, let alone all five together.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

If you have these five things, it is certain that our lives will be very peaceful.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, we can try to check ourselves if we have these five things, it may not only depends with five things, satisfaction came from within our heart,

$ 0.00
1 year ago

All the things you have mentioned above are very important for a healthy and happy life but for me I would like to choose peace because without it our life seems incomplete and chaotic. And when it comes to faith, it brings even the things which doesn't even exist.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Me too, I like to live in peace in my life while I'm alive, to enjoy our companionship with out any disturbances and conflict. Lastly, my faith IN God is what completes me each day. I like how you said it in the Last part of your sentence.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Faith is very important, it's a way of acknowledging the existence of God in our lives, even things are working and not. When you loose faith, this life becomes empty

$ 0.00
1 year ago

So true, life is empty without faith. For me, I found my purpose in living, when I learned to have faith in God, it's make my life worthwhile.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I agree that these things are indeed valuable. And God must be the center of everything that's mentioned 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Right, God is always been on the top, because, He is above all things.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Peace is number one. Not all have that.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, peace is precious, everybody needs it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is always misquoted about money. To correct the saying Money is the root of all evil, let me cite to you the verse in the Bible which says about money. It is found in 1 Timothy 6:10 - For the LOVE OF MONEY, is the root of all evil, which while done coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves though with many sorrows.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes it is, it's not the money alone that makes evil thing things, it's when a person love money above all.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I feel the same sis, I value them too. dati sabi ko di ko ivavalue yung pera but then when I had a family na, need pala atalag , di kasi mabubuhay kung puro love and peace lang , hehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Balance Lang kasi ang buhay sis, KAilangan talaga natin Yan, sa totoo Lang, ang hirap pag walang source of income ang pamilya, papa ano ang mga anak natin, kawawa talaga. Kaya magsumikap tayo para sa kanila., ma provide ang ka ilang needs, Mga bagay na ito ay parang isang sangkap sis sa pagluluto mas masarap pag sama sama.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes sis peace is really important din talaga, I'm hoping world peace sis kasi grabe ngayon may mga war na nangyayari. Ang ganda din ng life natin sis pag may peace.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo nga sis, nakakatakot talaga ang mga pangyauari lately, Sana wag na lumala at magkaroon ng world peace.

$ 0.00
1 year ago