Controlling Sexual needs

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Avatar for Willtravis
2 years ago
Topics: Sexual, Needs, People, Religion, Privacy, ...

A very interesting matter I'm here to talk on today, it has to deal with you, well not just you alone, with me also, infact it has to deal with everyone. As humans we care for many things, but there are few things we really deeply crave for, among that is money, and among that is to satisfy our sexual needs, also family, career success, and so on, but for the case of this article I'll be dwelling more on our sexual needs. Wait, how do y'all control it and stay without having sex even when the urges are strong, or don't you stay? Lol, it's no jokes the world today don't bother about keeping oneself, yet its good we learn how to stay and keep our bodies, should you always give in at the slightest feel or urges, then there is a problem. For real you don't want to get addicted to it.

Its worth being cautious, Don't look at me like that, I know you feel it too, we all do, moreover its the sweetest thing you can feel with your body, adding to the media constantly tempting us each time we go online or switch on the TV, its a normal phenomenon but the most sensitive too, you want to make sure you are in control at such times, few times it comes so strong and you just want to give in. So many then head up to an hotel to enjoy themselves, yes enjoy themselves,, its an enjoyment no doubt, fewer lucky ones have their spouse over. Sexual urge is one feeling that can get someone so intoxicated that they do the unthinkable.

Oh I know I'm right, for example as mighty as king Herod Antipas was, he was ready to render so much to Salome cause she dance so enciting, or should I say seductively, Salome did request for John D Baptist head cause her mother prompted her to, and Herod whose sexual urges had the full control over his supposed wisdom took no hesitation to kill john just for her. Maybe we need to understand that herod is a king, who leads a mighty nation and he among any else should be wise, brave, emotionally intelligent, and as many kingly attributes as is requested, therefore if any should not be an example, we shouldn't think the great king herod would.

If there is any time one must be very careful, more than others it must be that time he or she is with someone who drives them crazy, someone who can make them lose their cool. It happens to men and women alike, no one is exempted, the men are mostly victims no doubt, but the ladies too are victims. Some ladies also have sleepless nights over guys as guys do ladies, moreover who do you see cry most from emotions breakdown, so they do feel the sexual urges, men however are more hypnotized mainly cause of the wonderful female body make up. We are God creation and should be appreciated, but God has warned us severally and severely to beware and have self control.

Who can be compared to Solomon in all wisdom and authority, King Solomon is one man whose wisdom got so famous around the earth, he could solve the hardest of cases in just seconds. But what was his weakness, what brought about a rift between him and his main source, yes he too got so consumed by the hands of Queen Sheba, who could have thought a wise man who knew better than to serve another God, would allows an idol temple in his kingdom. Did he suddenly forget to think things through, or he thought but still he just didn't care, I guess he knew but he just didn't care, what matters most is the enjoyment his urges keep craving for.

Guess, I talked more about the male and it's making it look like the males are the only victims, well not so much, females too have their fair share, Photiphars wife implicated the females, if any woman should be an example worthy of emulation, second to Pharaoh's wife, the next should be photiphars wife, but getting so mesmerized by Joseph, she had to lure him and tried forcing him to lie with her, she also went as far as blackmailing him after refusing. Definitely someone's sexual urges can make them do the unthinkable. We all need to be careful, me inclusive, you inclusive.

I apologize for stating mainly biblical stories, but just wanted to share events that we all can recall and easily relate too. Of course many more are happening in our world today. Already you can think on one or two occurrences that ones sexual urges has lead them into doing things they regret doing, personally we all have our various experience, some we overcome, few others we gave in, some others we are yet planning to do, well its a normal phenomenon but the most sensitive, and so it calls for one to be careful, like very careful.

Can you say no in the heat of the moment? When all your senses are rising, and you feel like if I don't do this, this world is going to end, just then can you call it a quit and say I'm not doing anymore. Or for example, you are about to lie with someone and you notice you have no protection, can you say "its too risky, some other time maybe", or would you say " man I don't care, lets do this" and take the risk. Well it might interest you to know that over 99% would go ahead, with only one percent withdrawing, and that one percent is me and me alone, hahaha, just joking, but the ratio different would be a high margin, with so many people taking the risk, let's learn to control our sexual urges even in dire situations.

Its the downfall of many mighty men, its the break of many marriages, the cause of many infidelity. We must all learn to deal with it early. Its no doubt the strongest weapon the enemy would likely use against you, most people feel money would be the greatest weapon to a woman while a man's greatest weakness would be a woman. Well men like money too, infact more than women do if we judge correctly, but the greatest weapon is no doubt our opposite sex, just the way you like him, just the way you like her, especially when the weather is demanding. Its enough to warn us about.

Do you know it was a reason angels had to leave heaven and come dwell on earth after seeing some beautiful ladies, and it brought about the start of strange powers like magic, ornaments and so on, you'll understand more when you read the book of Enoch in the bible. Its a reason the mighty King David killed Uriah just to have his wife. Oh its a reason Samson the strong said out his power source, which lead to his death.

If we don't see the need to control our sexual urges, then maybe we need to know how many unwanted pregnancies are coming in daily, some aborted and some left to grow, how many sexually transmitted diseases are still spreading. Oh talk about the emotional effect, how many people are wasting useful resources just to please someone they are mad over who is probably just playing with them for the gains alone, how many homes are separating everyday, so much damage. Not saying you shouldn't have sexual urges, in fact you can't not have it, its there and would forever be there, but control it. Explore with the right person but keep it on auto control, it saves a lot of troubles.

Thanks For Reading.

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Avatar for Willtravis
2 years ago
Topics: Sexual, Needs, People, Religion, Privacy, ...


I am sharing a spot in that 1 percent with you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol, that's alright.. I'll keep your space.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I agree with you when you said "If we don't see the need to control our sexual urges, then maybe we need to know how many unwanted pregnancies are coming in daily, some aborted and some left to grow, how many sexually transmitted diseases are still spreading." thanks for sharing this post with us

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You're so right, all these should create awarenes for us to keep our sexual urges in check, some repercussions off it are irreversible only by Gods intervention.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I just realized now how sexual urges can be so scary. I believe it's controllable. I just hope that when doing such, no one is forced.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Its controllable though not easy but it is, yes no one should b forced, its totally wrong to be forced, that's assault or possibly attempted rape, that if it didn't get to rape.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As for King Herod, it was really against his will with regards in beheading John. However, he gave a word to Salome in front of many people that he would do what the girl wants in exchange of her pleasant performance. As a king, he have to keep his word.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yea that counts also. However that extent of promise, ready to do anything for her was because he was enticed, if he weren't we wouldn't have made such crazy promise.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's not easy for anyone but having some sort of control over it will keep you afloat at every moment.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It is not easy for anyone, our bodies are constantly controlled by raging hormones especially at the sight of naughtiness... however being in control is gonna help a lot.

$ 0.00
2 years ago