6 Tips To Create The Perfect Yogic Home

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1 year ago
Topics: Yoga, Yogic home, Home, House, Well-living, ...

Takeaway: With a little careful organization and consideration, you can create the perfect yoga environment at home. Read on to find out the best tips to follow.

It's easy to get caught up in our daily lives and forget about the power yoga has on not only our bodies but our surroundings as well. But, as far as the benefits of yoga can go, it's important to set up a home that supports your practice.

Following a yoga lifestyle usually means you're super-healthy, mindful and on the mend, so it's essential to keep your yogic home as clean and as peaceful as possible. There are easy changes you can make to relax when coming home and creating a sanctuary away from the stress of the world.

Today we're going to share with you 6 tips on how you can create your own personal yoga heaven at home with a bit of effort and a lot of love.

1. Detoxify Your Home

If you’re a yogi like us, you’ll know that the practice of yoga isn’t just about stretching and strengthening your body. It’s also about centering your mind and bringing balance to your life. You can't achieve this without a daily practice at home that's as detoxified as possible.

If you live in a busy household, with kids running around, pets barking and people coming in and out of the house all day long, it can feel impossible at times! You should create a yogic home that allows for restful sleep, peaceful meditation and healthy eating.

The first thing that you should do is detoxify your home. You need to cleanse all toxic elements from your home so that it becomes a healthy space for you to live in. Toxic elements can be sounds, smells, objects or anything that might get in your way to peacefulness and clarity of mind. Next points in this post will show you practical things you should do in this regard.

2. Bring In Nature

What's better than nature to help you relax, rejuvenate and recharge? It lets you develop a sense of calm, harmony, and peace.

One of the best ways to bring tranquility into your life is to bring nature into your home. Plant some flowers, keep a fish tank or grow some herbs. The more natural elements you have in your house, the more peaceful you will feel.

Bringing nature indoors can help create an overall sense of calmness and well-being. If you have an outdoor space, consider having some plants or flowers inside as well. Fresh flowers always add a touch of beauty and can make any room feel more inviting.

3. Let The Light In

Dark colors tend to make rooms feel heavier and smaller than they really are, whereas bright colors like white can make them feel bigger and lighter. Consider adding white curtains or white bedding if possible, as well as plenty of light bulbs (especially ones that mimic natural daylight). You may also want to replace dark carpets with light-colored linoleum or hardwood floors if possible.

Not only does light help you wake up early and feel more energized, but it also has many benefits on your health, including:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Helps to regulate sleep cycles

  • Improves mood

  • Aids in weight loss (by regulating the production of melatonin)

4. Keep Clutter at Bay 

Having a clutter-free home is the key to a happy and peaceful life. It's no secret that having an organized and clean home has a positive effect on your overall well-being. Not only does it make your home look more attractive, but it also makes you feel good about yourself and your surroundings.

Declutter your life. Keep only those things in your home that bring you joy. If it's not making you happy, get rid of it! This includes material possessions as well as activities and obligations.

Simplify your rooms so they are inviting places to relax and unwind from the stresses of daily life. Lightly decorate your space with inspiring artwork, flowers or candles for added ambiance.

5. Get Some Positive Energy With Smells and Sounds 

There are a few things that can instantly turn your home into a yogic space. The first one is the smell of incense and candles. They offer a positive energy to the place and help you feel relaxed and peaceful. You can burn it before or after your yoga sessions, or both.

Another thing you can do is add some music to your household. This is a simple way to make your house more peaceful and calm. You can play some relaxing music while cooking, reading or doing your work.

Reduce noise pollution in your home by investing in soundproofing materials like double-paned windows and doors, soundproofing insulation for walls and ceilings and soundproofing carpeting for hardwood floors.

7. Create an Altar for Meditation

Yoga is a great way to find balance in your life, but if you live in a busy city or have kids and other responsibilities, it can be hard to carve out time for yourself. One way to make sure your mind is clear and calm is by setting up an altar in your place that you can go to when I need some quiet time.

Having an altar or special spot in your home will help create an inviting space for meditation. Whether it's a small corner in your bedroom or an entire room dedicated to it, decorating your meditation altar with meaningful items will make the space more inviting and relaxing. Your candles or incense will create a soothing atmosphere for meditation!


Your beautiful home is so much more than four walls and a roof. It's an extension of yourself, for good or for bad: treat it accordingly! Think of your home as a dressed up sanctuary away from the outside world. That doesn't mean your home cannot be stylish and contemporary; it just means you need to adopt an attitude that encourages mindful living.

If you really want a yogic home, it takes some work and dedication. By taking the time to consider all six of these points, you'll surely be well on your way to that perfect yogic space.

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Yoga, Yogic home, Home, House, Well-living, ...
