No Need to 'Win' or 'Lose' the Vaccine Debate – The Only Real Issue is CONSENT

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)
Topics: Ideas, Truth, COVID, Voluntaryism, Anarchy, ...

Maybe you think the Sars-Cov-19 jab was created on Mars by satanic Bill Gates clones with microchipped monkey appendages. Maybe you think masks miraculously cured influenza and heart attack victims should be counted as covid deaths. Maybe Dr. Fauci is your hero. Maybe you think he's full of shit. Luckily, when it comes to consent, none of this bullshit debating matters.

It's My Body. Full Stop.

Your body is yours. My body is mine.

You want to take the new vaccine. I do not.

I want to open my business. You want me to stay home.

So what do we do?

We enter a fierce and largely pointless debate about the safety and efficacy (or lack thereof) of a supposed new medical treatment. If no persuasion is achieved, we resort to leveraging the violence of the state by voting to force one another into unwilling compliance, even though we have never previously harmed each other, and don't know each other personally.

Yay! Three cheers for civilized society.

But these anti-vaxxers are endangering others!


We can't! We have to share public spaces!


These covidiots want to destroy our livelihoods!


We can't! They are making laws to force their opinions on us violently!


Live and Let Live, Or A Club on the Head?

Civilized individuals try to live and let live peacefully, as much as possible. The truth is, violence is expensive – financially, socially, emotionally. The majority of humans seek to avoid it at all costs.

What humans are not generally averse to, however, is outsourcing their violence to a euphemism called the state, or "government." Whichever party controls the government (read:legal monopoly on violence), therefore controls the laws.

But there is one huge problem with government. These laws were created arbitrarily, not based on logic or concrete reality. Legally recognized rights are not universal to all individuals. Some individuals enjoy far greater rights than others, by virtue of government's magical and arbitrary assignment thereof.

For example, murderous, crooked cops often enjoy extreme immunity from the legal pressure and scrutiny that would otherwise be applied to "common criminals." Giant pharmaceutical companies which lobby the state have legislation tailor made for them by the state, to mitigate their damages and decrease accountability. This would not be done for the "average individual."

Body Ownership Is Non-Negotiable

The answer to the state's arbitrary violence, and the answer to the vaccine debate is simple: my body, my choice.

If I do not consent to having a needle driven into my arm, you had damn well better stay away from me. Once you attempt to do this, I am in my natural law rights to do anything I need to do to stop you.

If you do not consent to me being on your property unvaxxed, or without a mask, I had better damn well heed your request to leave. Why? That property was acquired by you legitimately via your body, which you own. For me to trespass against your property is to effectively claim ownership over your body. You would be within your natural law rights to use physical force to remove me.

See how easy that is?

So what's the problem? The problem is the anti-concept called "public property."

Public property is a myth propagated by centralized, non-consensual governments. All public property can do is engender conflict and potentiate violence. Imagine we both pay taxes for the same library. I want there to be a no mask policy. You want the opposite. There is no option afforded where we can have competing libraries with different policies, because the state sets blanket policies and law for all libraries in our geopolitical region. Where did the state get this awesome power? They simply appointed it to themselves. Not based on reality. Not based on body ownership. They simply "said so" in godlike fashion.

This is different than joint use of private property where all respective owners fully and freely consent to the joint usage, and where all property concerned was legitimately acquired via their bodies.

All this said, if you attempt to force a needle on someone, you are pro-violence.

If you attempt to force someone to take off their mask, it is the same.


Google: Voluntaryism.


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Avatar for VoluntaryJapan
3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)
Topics: Ideas, Truth, COVID, Voluntaryism, Anarchy, ...


Very well said. The freedom of choice what we feel is best for our bodies is the thing that is missing here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I saw the post with highest tips! I thought what could be it to receive such huge tips!! Then I read your post and I think you actually deserve it😍

$ 0.01
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

The old saying 'America, love it or leave it' comes to mind. In this case, you seem not to love the democratic system America has in place to handle these sorts of issues. If you do not like the laws, you should lobby to change them, or leave. You are advocating being an outlaw instead.

Who knows.. perhaps if all you all did that, leave, you would create a paradise of un-vaccinated super people, immune (through attrition) to whatever virus the world throws out.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmmm. In the case of violating another human's body or property, even if 51% support it (democracy), or the law doesn't protect the individual, self-ownership still stands. "Outlaws" such as Harriet Tubman are necessary. I do not live in the U.S. anymore, but your argument either way is not compelling. Either suffer gross injustice and violence, or be forced out of an arbitrarily claimed vast hunk of land where we both just happened to be born? Lol. That's just silly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

well to some extent the writer has explored the philosophy of choices, in my opinion to live and let live in covid may harm humanity b/c this virus is transformed from person to person. I simply mean to say that if one person wants to put mask and other don't want to, the probability is that who doesn't put mask endangers others health too. and here live and let live concept collapse completely. indeed a practical solution to cope the situation is still absent.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I 100% agree with your article. Also, "Live and let live or a club on the head", this was absolutely brilliant.

I am a medical practitioner and in order for me to deliver patient treatment of any type (when someone is conscious and of sound mind) I MUST get informed consent. I do not understand how anyone can think mandating a vaccination which is impossible to provide details on (at this point) is medically sound. We DO NOT have long term evidence on any effects of it.

I do believe we are going to see a splintered society in the future. I honestly see clusters of people accessing different shops / areas and outlets for what they require based on the way the future is looking. Everyone has extremely strong views on the subject and eventually different areas will emerge for different thought patterns.

Your post is excellent and well done for putting it down and standing by your thoughts.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amazing and wonderful article you shared with us and CONGRATULATIONS for your big achievement. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice keep it up πŸ‘

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dear!You are right there should be consent.Mine body in mine and your is yours.But problem is that we have no option except vaccine.But I am agreed we can't force a man to mask to stop nasal secretion And can't forcefully inject a needle into his/her arm for vaccine.There should be consent form that is filled by the person who come to vaccinate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

aside from your article, how does it feel being upvoted by @MarcDeMesel? Hahaha I wanna feel how. Anyways, it's an eye-opener article!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why cant the medical people create a vaccine to cure it so this pandemic will end.many of us are needy nowadays..loosing jobs and have nothing more to feed our family

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mature article and congrats for such a big achievement .

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Now a days many rumours are out. A lot of conspiracies are there about Covid. They can make fool those who are illiterate. We all know that covid is all around and we should be very cautious

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is one of the most intelligent articles I've read lately. Congratulations!

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

I follow your line of thinking as much as it remains humanly possible. The fact however is as follows:

We play/live the game according to the "Corona is dangerous" and "Vaxx is salvation" belief system.

The belief in the narrative has to be discredited as much as possible, so we can maintain our independence.
Thanks to people out there, gathering and reporting on evidence to the contrary, we still have a basis for refusal.

Yet a definite majority of people buy in to the story that is predominantly pushed. As such will act according to that story, to get to the promised "salvation", and will be feel themselves justified in doing what is believed to be necessary.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

This simple belief system (i.e. the answer to covid is vaccines) also has an opportunity cost.

If instead (or together with voluntary vaccination) we a) incentivised older people and those with treatable underlying conditions to loose weight, improve their diet and get fitter; and b) allocated more resources to treatment; there would be reductions not only in covid deaths, but also cancers, heart disease and improved quality of life in general. These improvements could last for decades. Treatments are also opportunities to learn something new about human physiology and this new knowledge might provide insights into other diseases - perhaps pneumonia.

We have imposed drastic covid restrictions on society. Surely taxing unhealthy foods, subsidising healthy ones and funding initiatives to encourage people to develop sustainable and enjoyable exercise and eating habits is far less of an imposition than the measures introduced over the last year?

For example, eating less animal protein would improve health and additionally reduce the number of animals that can harbour new viruses; like bird, and swine flu. Fewer animals means less animal feed. Less feed crops reduces global environmental damage, e.g. habitat destruction and CO2 emissions (natural gas -> ammonia + CO2 --> nitrate fertilisers, among many other agricultural sources of CO2).

So many opportunities from having a more compex, full spectrum, approach to covid.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The crazies are not going to listen no matter the evidence, and I think we need to be prepared to physically defend ourselves from them and their organizations.

$ 10.00
3 years ago

I agree we should discredit the BS. I just see too many forgetting that even without any refutation of supposed safety, the issue is simple. It is about bodily consent.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree with you. I understand why others become so violent when it comes to their rights as to get vaccinated or not. One indeed has free will to choose whatever decision they have for themselves. But sometimes it gets more complicated for some reason that others tend to force or sometimes make what they believe is right will be the others to believe too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago