UDCR-001 The ghastly enderman part II: Hunt or be hunted

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Avatar for Vincent21
2 years ago
Topics: Fiction, Anime, Series

The team was prepared and equipped with the special battle suit and armor. A suit that could deflect bullets and destructive explosives, including deadly melee attacks. General Rossal was too confident with his team, believing that they could bring the specimen successfully without anyone getting hurt.

After a while, they departed and embarked on the deadly quest. Travelling with an advanced warplanes and vehicles.. When they reached the said area, the sun was still bright, so they build up their instant small base through metal capsule. And spent the remaining time for coffee, until time is perfect to raid.

"Alright team! Let's move out" Gen Rossal Wasn't worried since there's a lot of them, enough to capture the said enderman. When they were on the inside of the forest, they didn't see something unusual. But one of the soldiers stepped on a big snake, leading him to panic. "Don't panic, the suit we are wearing is tough!" The general told his team with confidence, ordered the comrade to shoot the snake. When the snake tried to wrap the armored soldier, it wasn't even folded. The armor was too solid, driven the snake to flee, but the soldier still shoot the terrified snake. The snake was hit on it's head and was being killed. The soldiers laughed together. "(Laughter) You scared of snake ma baby?" then they laughed again. The loud noise of the gun startled the unusual foe.

A sudden flash of black shadow has just passed on their back. But there seems no rustling sound was made, the enemy was like an assasin it is too silent. Through it's speed, it grabbed one of the soldier unoticed and teleported it 500 meters away from the team. The snatched soldier wasn't killed abruptly, it did to retaliate and shoot the head of the enderman with a tactical gauge shotgun. The enderman was hurt by that shot, making it furious.

The enderman went crazy ferocious, scratching the helm of the lying soldier without limits. Until the helmet's lens got broke. The enderman screeched when it saw the soldier's eyes. The soldier was controlled, leading it to walk towards it's team, without a helmet. "Wait don't shoot! That's our ally!" The General said, but the controlled soldier keeps on walking towards them anomalously in zombie manner. The soldiers were scared but since it is their teammate, they immediately reached him out. But suddenly, the controlled soldier, grabbed a destructive bomb.

"It's a destructive bomb! Ruuunnn!!!" Gen R. Commanded the team, they run as fast as they could. The controlled soldier's eyes was filled with sorrow and tears, before the bomb explode. Though nobody got hurt on that explosion but some of their armors got damaged.

"Are you guys alright?" General Rossal asked his comrades to check if they're fine, it seems that they are all well, but some of them got their helmet lens shattered. Since their lens was destroyed, the night vision was unable to use too. The general ordered a retreat but the enderman appeared in the middle of them suddenly."Fire it!" They shot the enemy's body but it remained unscathed. The general tried to shot it on it's eyes and it was affected. But it just went ferocious, and killed the soldiers whose helmet are damaged and vulnerable in the eyes.

There are only 6 of the team left, they ran fast back into their base. And locked the door immediately. They thought they're safe, but the enderman flickered into the inside of their base in just a second. While the small building was filled with darkness, a pink scary eyes appeared right in front of them. They trembled in fear. But then, soldiers flashed their bright flashlight into the room, hitting the enderman's eyes. The enderman seems affected by the sudden flash of light, making it blind for a couple seconds. " keep flashing it's eyes!" The general was leading the team with his brighter flashlight. The enderman was retreating backwards, until it gone inside their laboratory. " Soldier 3! Turn on the power! Soldier 7! Turn on the bright lights!! Move! The rest of us keep on flashing it's eyes!" The general raised his voice in victory, hope is embracing them.

Soldier 3: Power source opened!! Light it up soldier 7!!

The 7th soldier felt victorious, so he wore off his helmet to breathe loosely and feel relief. When he's about to switch up the lever for the lights, another black huge hand held the 7th soldier's arm. As he looked up, it is a huge enderman, he doesn't even have time to shout, he was already controlled since his head was too vulnerable and eyes wide open. His body floated in the atmosphere, flipped his legs and arms through air force, the soldier didn't even make it to scream in pain. The poor soldier just cried in tears filled with blood. Then died with open eyes.


Whoa!! It seems that there's a lot of enderman out there. I guess that another enderman wants to rescue it's friend. I hope, the team can make it... I'm worried lol.

Disclaimer: Pictures are taken from google and are edited on picsart.

UDCR - Unidentified deadly Creature Report.

001 - Specific Specimen reported.

Thank you for reading guys, I hope you still want to read my fictional bit creepy story.

Let's continue to support each other...

$ 1.14
$ 1.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Athaliah
$ 0.03 from @ErdoV
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Avatar for Vincent21
2 years ago
Topics: Fiction, Anime, Series


Galinga na muemglish tawhana uy di man sad ta halos kasabot haha super thrilling kay sya kay maimagine nmu ang scene

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Di ko na yan ginalingan ang importante masaya ako na gumagawa ng mga story

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My son understands this kind of game type much better than me. I do not understand anything. Just look. As I read your article and think and try to understand.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, childrens are quite good at Mobile games..

This is the continuation of the part1.. Hehe enderman.. Tnx bro appreciate it

$ 0.00
2 years ago