All the glitters of a fine Night.

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2 years ago

Date: Wednesday, May 4th 2022.


Alisha always struck me as a loud, boisterous young woman. Her endless enthusiasm for whatever it is that excited her, leaves me starstruck in more ways than I can imagine.

There I was trying my hardest to understand her personality, and suddenly like everything that led to this moment was screaming at me, "Yes! Finally, she gets it"...

"Let's go to the dance together, Alex!", she said - leaving me trying to figure out what words to say to her next, and how the whole situation escalated really quickly.

"W.. what...?!", I asked confused.

"Just say you will", she added. "I know you heard me correctly that first time", she deadpanned. Normally, I should be the one asking the million dollar question, but I have somehow found myself on the recieving end of something delivered in the corniest way possible.

How did it begin?

Okay, let's roll it back a couple of hours before


Lunch time - 12:30 p.m

Chip was saying something to me about a girl he encountered some days back, (who I've met, but never was inclined to disclosing any of it to him or, anybody else for that matter). A rule the both of us strictly adhere to whenever we decide to venture in any one of our escapades. Which somehow bothers me now that 1. He made up the rule, 2. He's somehow excited about some random girl he met which, 3. ...has made me interested in whatever it is he has to say.

In his words - "a girl so charming, she swept me off my feet". And, knowing him and his knack for NOT getting emotionally involved with girls he's only met for awhile, it was strange. It is almost like he was spellbound by something. (No pun intended).

"So, I met this girl, Alisha Johnson. she is the sweetest - ". I got carried by a sudden event that ensued between a group of rascals fighting over some food not served properly. Right there, walking past the whole kerfuffle, was this seemingly cute, brown skinned highschooler with a type of hair (a buzz cut) not commonly seen amongst many girls her age. She had a certain vibe about her, one which I didn't notice in our last meet-and-greet encounter.

"There she is, Alex", he said. Like I was aloof to the entire situation unravelling right in front of me.

"Yeah, yeah... So, what?", I deadpanned.

"So... You get up and go meet her", he replied.

"Not interested", I snapped. He was obviously confused I shrugged him off in that manner, but I wasn't letting him realise how vulnerable I may've become by allowing myself the pleasure of an impossible meet cute. But, he was in a state of non-compliance with my absurd whining that he motioned enthusiastically towards her, therefore offering her a sit next to me.

"Ugh, great! Now you've done it", I said rather disappointed.

"I am in no mood to deal with your ridiculously d*ck-ish self at the moment, but why doncha' say hello to the lovely lady sitted right next to you", he answered.

"Alisha meet Alex. Alex. Alisha", he gestured.

"I know who he is. We've met", she replied.

"Ah! There goes my one opportunity at remaining invincible", I thought.

"Oh, you have? Well, no wonder my man been bitchin' since I mentioned meeting you", he said giving me the stink eye.

Talk about an unpleasant story from a not so handsome guy to his not so handsome friend about a charmingly cute, brown skinned highschooler (with a weird buzzcut), who'd not even think of getting down with our uncool self. be continued.

Note: This story is a work of fiction, all character names used were also as aforementioned with NO intention of promoting male chauvinism.

Thank you for reading.

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$ 0.31 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Esp130
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2 years ago


I like to do party and dance . My dream to live life as like foreigners.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Of course Esp130. It's fun when you have good times with friends.

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2 years ago