Positive Mind Set

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3 years ago

We are destined for greatness and so we are great in the site of GOD.

When GOD created the heavens and the earth , he created man in his own image and gave man the power to subdued the earth. But the evil ones will want to fight us and take what rightfully belongs to us.

Most people see themselves as failures and will not want to work to succeed in life. They have given up in life , they have no hope for the future because all hope is lost.

Some of them are even comfortable in the condition they find themselves , thinking that is their destiny, but it's not theirs.

Positive mind set is what makes people grow in life , there should be no negative thinking but positive thinking should be the starting point of greatness.

We should never give up in life but strive to make it in life , we should never have the thought of poverty rather, the thought should be of richies and greatness. It should be all over in our mind and we must work towards it.

Even when you strive to make it in life, people will want to discourage you, even your friends may reject you , there must mistakes made by you , failure must come at the stage of growing but when you rise up and move forward with your mind set of positivity then greatness becomes the achievement.

Everyday of your life should be a day of innovation and positive thoughts.

Always have a positive mind set , positive thinking must have a goal to achieve , must have a Target and work towards it.

That is what we need to grow in life , greatness is always our portion but me need to acquire that portion which belongs to us by having positive mind set and working towards it for achievement.

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3 years ago
