Have you ever felt like you're just running around in circles, or maybe you're in a rut that you just can't get out of. Laurence Peter said this about being in a rut: "A rut is a grave with the ends knocked out.". Sometimes it seems like everything is gray, or there's a little storm cloud over your head constantly raining down negativity. Another the way to describe 'feeling low', is being in a low vibration.
You know what it's like to be in a high vibration state, but you just can't seem to get back there. Maybe you ask yourself: "how do I raise my vibration and quit being in a rut? How do I change the beliefs I have, that are stopping me from living the life I deserve???" Being self aware and even acknowledging how you feel is the very first step to raise your vibration and clear blockages that hold you back!
What Does Like Being In A Rut Look Like?
When you start feeling lonely, depressed, negative, or down in the dumps, that can be considered a being in a rut. You lack desire, enthusiasm, and motivation like you normally have. Being in a rut can feel like you just want to stay in bed all day, and close yourself off from the world. I experience days like that more than I'd like to admit, but when I do I recognize it, and I start to make necessary changes. That is much easier said then done though. Being mindful of the way you feel is the first step.
Getting out of bed would be one way getting out of a rut, and so would making my bed afterwards. Once you feel like you've accomplished something, even a small task, you begin to feel better about yourself. When we focus on our self doubt, negativity, fear, and uncertainty, we can continue to expect the same. Those are all low vibration thoughts and emotions, which keep us stuck in a rut. When we experience those low level vibrations we will begin to attract similar feelings, emotions and experiences that vibrate at the same level.
What puts one person in a rut can be different than for someone else. Feeling low or depressed can stem from improper self care, poor self talk, the people we surround ourselves with, and our environment. Think of it this way, how do you feel when you lay around all day, eat poorly, and don't shower or brush your teeth? What about the way you feel when you wake up right when your alarm goes off (instead of snoozing it 4x)! What about when you exercise, get cleaned up, put on your favorite outfit, and and go out into the world? You feel confident, vibrant, and full of energy! Your actions can have a tremendous effect on your energy level and raising your vibration!
Raise Your Vibration, Don't Be Stuck in A Rut!
By being self aware enough to notice your vibration, you are then able to begin climbing out of being in a rut. Don't be hard on yourself for being in a low vibration or feeling stuck in a rut, it's all part of life and the wave of ups and downs that we experience. I congratulate you for being proactive enough to get to this article, and your desire to do something about your current state of mind!
Take a moment and give yourself a pat on the back. The way you view yourself and and the thoughts that you allow into your mind have a huge effect on your vibration and mood. Start by thinking of one thing you like about yourself, or something you're proud of. Remember a compliment you received, or think about how you felt during and after your accomplishment took place. Relive the moment in vivid detail, and feel yourself experiencing it now. The little victories are what keep us going and give us renewed strength and energy.
Simple Ways To Get Out Of Being Stuck In A Rut
Loving yourself is important, but it can be hard for most people. I have a difficult time finding positive traits about me that I enjoy, but I constantly remind myself of my limitless potential, and how much I've accomplished already.
These are just a few of the simple ways to raise your vibration, and get out of a rut FAST!
Eat Healthy (High Vibration Foods): I know this isn't everyone's favorite choice (It isn't mine anyway....), but it is crucially important. Skip the potato chips and processed food, and replace them with fruits and vegetables. Stay on the outside perimeter, or ring of the supermarket. Pretty much everything on the inside aisles of the grocery store are things to stay away from. The junk food is in the aisles! We know that everything vibrates, even food. Fast food is quick and convenient, but resonates at a very low vibration which will keep you stuck in a rut.
Meditate: Take a few minutes to clear your mind and settle down. This can be very difficult the first few times, but it has huge benefits and returns instant dividends. This is a great way to raise your vibration and get your mind right. Be alone with your thoughts and just observe them as they flash into your mind. Concentrate on your breathing and enjoy time to yourself. Meditation reduces anxiety, stress, fear (low vibrations) and calms the mind.
Spend Time In Nature: Take a walk around the block, or to your nearest park. While you're outside try to observe and pay attention to what's around you. Feel the wind brush your cheek, notice the warm rays of sun on your skin, pay attention to the color of the leaves and grass. Use your 5 senses to take in the beauty of everything around you.
Breathe Deep: Do this outside, or inside but take a deep breath. Breathe through your nose and draw in the breath from your stomach. Hold it for a few seconds then slowly release it. Do this repeatedly for increased oxygen and blood flow through your body. Your brain, lungs, body, and plants around you say "Thank you!".
Listen to Calming Music: I utilize a specially designed vibration audio tracks that totally changed my life. I have increased productivity, confidence, energy, less stress, and more time because of my new found efficiency. What makes it unique is the sub-audible soundwave technology that plays subliminal affirmations directly to my subconscious mind. It eliminates negative, self-limiting beliefs, and replaces them with encouragement, motivation, and high vibration energy. What works for me, may or may not work for you, and that's OK! Find tracks of music that you personally relate to. There are multiple frequencies that will raise your vibration, but find the one you like that brings you peace, joy, and happiness!
Make A Decision!
It takes self awareness, mindfulness, and quite a bit of self love to be honest with ourselves about how we're feeling. When we can't clear energy blockages it makes everyday life so much more difficult. Doing things to raise your vibration is how you will experience the 'flow' of energy" restored in your body. Do what feels right to you, and use your 6th sense (that little voice inside). You know exactly what you need right now, but you have to acknowledge it and take action. You've already started taking action by reading this article, and your vibration is already raising!
Look after yourself, love yourself, be kind to yourself, and feel those emotions. The frequency you vibrate at will attract the things, people, and places of the same vibration. You are truly magnificent, and you deserve the life of your dreams. As soon as I removed my negative beliefs about myself, and started to believe anything is possible..... that I was seeing dramatic change!
What ways do you 'get out of a rut'? When you're feeling stuck and low what's your go to solution? I would love to hear new perspectives and solutions to getting out of being in a rut, and staying positive!
When im down, i'd like to go out with my friends to talk and eat, then move to another place to eat, to the next and eat hahhahhaha😂