6 Of Wands - Tarot Meaning For Love, Money, And Career!

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2 years ago

The 6 of Wands tarot card represents confidence, authority, recognition, and achievement. Wands are one of 4 suits in the Minor Arcana, and corresponds with the suit of clubs in a traditional playing card deck. The element fire is associated with the suit of wands, indicating a fiery intensity and inner drive to succeed. There is a strong masculine characteristic to this suit, so things like status and competition will be obvious in many wand readings. A desire to be heard, acknowledged, and praised all correspond to the suit of wands in tarot.

Rider Tarot Deck

The 6 Of Wands tarot card depicts a man (or woman) riding an elegant white hose through a crowd of cheering onlookers. The man's posture is flawless and his chest is puffed out, head held high. He wears a wreath as a crown, which represents victory and success. The wand in his hand has another beautiful wreath on top, further reinforcing his achievement and accomplishment. The crowd cheers and celebrates this man's success, and hold him in high regard. The horse in the 6 of wands is white, representing purity and nobility. This card is oozing with confidence, as the man soaks in the praise and adoration from the crowd. He stares forward, a bit smug and cocky.

This is a drastic difference from the conflict and dissent that are featured in the 5 of wands. You've come out on top, and the people around you recognize your authority and achievement. The crowd is behind you, cheering you on and encouraging you further. Your voice is heard and respected, which unites the crowd around you.

6 Of Wands Keywords


  • Success

  • Confidence

  • Achievement

  • Victory

  • Stature

  • Authority

  • Recognition

  • Praise

  • Celebrity

  • Self-Esteem


  • Failure

  • Defeat

  • Losing

  • Arrogance

  • Lack of recognition

  • Disappointment

  • Disgrace

  • Power Hungry

  • Egotistic

  • Self Doubt

6 Of wands Upright

Dreaming Way Tarot

The 6 of wands upright tarot meaning is all about recognition and achievement. Your hard work and accomplishments are on full display, and praised by the people around you. You have manifested the goals and dreams you set for yourself, and you feel empowered by the encouragement and support you're receiving for it. You are a pillar of success and authority, whether that's at work or in the community. Your achievements are an example of what's possible, and others respect you for not only trying but succeeding. You've gained the support and praise of your family and peers, but don't abuse this new level of recognition!

The confidence and self-esteem radiating from the 6 of wands is obvious. Everyone loves being recognized for a job well done, even if it's just a pat on the back, or an 'atta boy'. When the crowd see's someone else succeed, it inspires them to do what's necessary to reach their goals. Stand tall, and take pride in your public recognition, but don't turn your nose up at the remaining work that needs to be done. Receiving praise and adoration can give you the extra little push you need to continue forward. Knowing that you have complete support from your peers eliminates fear and uncertainty when undertaking new endeavors.

6 Of Wands Reversed

Herbal Tarot Deck

When the 6 Of Wands reversed appears in a tarot reading it can represent lack of confidence, timidity, low self-esteem, failure, and disappointment. You've been working diligently toward your goals and aspirations, but you don't think it is worthy enough to be brought up. Your 'little victories' continue to pile up, and the momentum created from these small wins are what lead to winning the war so to speak.

Don't be afraid to speak up, and share what you've accomplished. Everything is relative, and the success you think isn't important could be a major achievement to someone else. The 6 of wands reversed can indicate that you don't want to be in the spot light, and you're shying away from the lime light. You are redirecting attention away from you and your accomplishments, when they should be celebrated!

If you've experienced a defeat your ego may be bruised, and thoughts of doubt and indecision begin creeping in. Your body language and tone indicate to others that you've lost and ready to give up. Share your struggles and difficulties with the 'crowd', and you will receive the encouragement and inspiration needed to get back up and fight. You've only failed when you stop trying, and the people you surround yourself with just want to see you succeed. Words of affirmation can have a profound effect on the way we perceive ourselves, and the world around us.

The 6 Of Wands reversed can also reflect someone who's head might be getting to big. When you think you've arrived is when someone passes you, or takes you down a notch. Confidence is important, but arrogance is off putting and eventually humbling. There is always someone who comes along that is bigger, faster, stronger, or smarter. Don't develop a 'better than you' attitude. Friendly competition can bring out the best in everyone, but don't be a poor loser.....or winner.

6 Of Wands Love

Mystic Mondays Tarot Deck

When the 6 Of Wands Love card comes into a reading it is an excellent sign for continued success and adoration. Confidence is still key for the 6 of wands when it comes to love, and that applies to being in a relationship or being single. If you're single you may be receiving extra attention from your love interest, or even from complete strangers. Your confidence and authority make you extremely attractive to others right now, and the additional attention boosts your self-esteem even higher. Be on the lookout, your soulmate or potential partner could be right around the corner....Act boldly and confidently, expecting success and victory!

If you're in a relationship then the 6 Of Wands Love reading means general success in the relationship. You admire your partner and look up to them with respect and admiration, just like the members of the crowd toward the man on the horse. Your partner shows you the same level of adoration, placing you on a pedestal and acknowledging the work and effort you've been putting into the relationship.

Friends, family, and strangers alike all compliment you for the strength of your relationship, admiring the true love and trust you both have for one another. The confidence coming from this card means that even if your partner is receiving interest from others, you entirely brush it off. You feel secure and confident in the relationship, and you know that no one could be a better partner than you!

6 Of Wands Career/Finance

Morgan Greer Tarot

Drawing the 6 Of Wands for Finance/Career is an AWESOME sign. This card is so powerful in any reading, and the energy associated with it is commanding. You are heading straight toward a promotion, raise, or the success of a project you've been working on diligently. Your success and accomplishment will be acknowledged and admired by all, which will continue to inspire you. Whatever you set your mind to you will achieve.... Success and victory will follow in any business venture or competition.

The darker side to this overwhelming confidence and success can be arrogance, pride, and egotism. Be sure to celebrate your victories, but there is no need to rub it in anyone's face.

When it comes to money, the 6 of wands is very positive. Your investments and finances are both performing exceptionally well (like you knew that they would), and you can expect to continue seeing that growth moving forward. Be sure to share the rewards of your success with the crowd, the ones who have supported and encouraged you throughout the process. No one wants to see you succeed more than your supporters, so be sure to share the wealth. Acknowledge their contribution to your success, and show them your gratitude and appreciation. You may be following a very strict budget, and you've now arrived at a place of financial freedom. Your hard work has paid off, and you deserve to revel in your accomplishment.

Thank you for reading! I would love knowing your thoughts and feelings about the 6 of wands, and what your interpretation is. There are no 'wrong' answers!


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2 years ago


Hello! It's nice to read your tarot card predictions again. I just love how you predict the 6 wands of finance. Everyone must learn from it that success sometimes can be the root of arrogance. We just have to be humble everytime for true success is when you don't let others hurt because of you.

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