Love moves in mysterious ways..

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Avatar for UsagiGallardo215
2 years ago

Thought that it was song? Nahh it's not, this is my funny love story and how I magically fell In love with a guy that didn't mean to fall in love with.

It was crazy to remember those things but for you guys I will, hehehe. I was then young and lazy enough to come with my mom again, because every week we go and travel to different province with my aunts. And I still remember the accident I saw, we were in the side of the pool when a woman slipped on floor and had blood on her head. Then the people went on panic and my aunt told us to be very careful because we never know when accidents hits us.

And I was talking about how we meet each other. Here goes. After I went down on the cat his eyes really stares at me i was wearing a black sando and palda short hair and I didn't notice him at first. Then my mom asked me to do something then I obeyed her and I went to the back yard i saw him and I said "Manong" hahhaa its mean an old guy but his not that old his just 6 years older than me. And I didn't find him attractive at first. He was there because he takes care of the ducks ang fish of my aunties.

Then we were asked to stay and sleep there for one night. I was shocked because i didn't bring any extra clothes. But the most part that surprised me is my cousin told me that. Hey cous can my friend talk to you for a while. What? I said no I mean why? Cause he admit that he was attracted to me. Then I went speechless. And i told my cousin "kuya" older brother that was how I treat my 3 closes cousin siblings. Kuya Im afraid he would bite just kidding. He's dark his not my type hahahaha. (I was living in the city and I was young I never see dark people only few). He just wanna talk to you his kind don't worry. Then i grant my cousin wish as I've been a genie for a while.

We sat under the full moon.

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The view was really beautiful that night and I was also amazed by the surroundings that make me comfortable in talking to him. But I saw a drink beside him and asked why in the world you want to be drunk? He answered about his father they went on a fight. Then I never asked once more Im to shy. Then I told him please don't drink you've asked kuya If we can talk and I grant you both. Then he said yes.


He was so fast, he told me he likes and love me immediately then my mouth went open for a long time hahhaha. We never know each other and how in the world can we be together? Then he went on silence and he might thought I didn't want it. So I've just said If you can wait for me to return maybe you'll win my heart. Then his eyes went bright as the stars above and said YES ill wait for you to return here. Then my head laid down on hid shoulders. And maybe he wish that I will never end.

Do you want the second part stay tuned for more funny love story ahead. Have a blessed day everyone and we only have 3 more days and it's Christmas. And I hope you enjoy reading this and thank you so much.

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$ 0.03 from @Fexonice1
Avatar for UsagiGallardo215
2 years ago


I love your climax.What a lovely climax.

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2 years ago