This Thing Will Make You Rich

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Avatar for UnrealWriter
9 months ago
Topics: Life, Writing

Lately there has been a lot of talks on Nepotism, Nepotism this and that. But you know, opposite to this, a research shows that 80% of the jobs are got through connections. Only 20% of the jobs are on pure merit basis.

All the wealthy, influential and powerful people are at their positions only due to their connections whether you believe it or not. Lert me tell you the best way to build connections.

How can you be rich?

You only have to follow the SPIN formula.

  1. Strengthen you relationship before you need to get something out of it:

    You can not ask a new person for anything directly. if you do, you have very low chances of getting what you want. The probability increases if you know the person. It further increases with the time you have known. Sometimes simply knowing may not be enough. So, what can you do?

    You have to give value to the person without the intention of anything in return. You have to find out what need a person have. Then study everything so that you can give the best value.

  2. People always need solid and trusting connections with other people:

    Giving value for free increases the likeability of that person trusting you and introducing you to his/her peers thereby increasing your network. When you have strengthened your relationship, your request has the most probability of fulfillment. The richer people you network with, more the returns you can expect. The rich peoples always maintain the trust and support for each other.

  3. It is not what you know but whom you know:

    Successful peoples make alliances, mastermind groups. Why? It is to work together, support each other. They know they can do far better together than alone. They use the power of networking. Therefore, you too focus on making alliances from now on. The richer and stronger, the better.

  4. Networking is the art of giving others what will help them achieve their goals not yours:

    This an important point which you need to remember. You should focus on building networks without the intention of getting anything in return. When you help others achieve their goal, you automatically get the right to ask help in return when you need.

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Avatar for UnrealWriter
9 months ago
Topics: Life, Writing
