Spring is here!

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Avatar for UnderTheMilkyWay
4 years ago

Those around the world will be seeing the beginning of a new season today and I can not tell you what joy it is to welcome Spring! I live in far south Victoria, Australia and while some imagine Australia to be desert with red dirt and a lot of it is, a lot is tropical, but I live in the coldest part closest to the Antarctic and it has been a bloody cold winter. I have battled my awful all over body Dermatitis that seems to be triggered at winter, and it don't stop, I've come to the conclusion that wood fires, dry heat, dry cold and dust mites are my enemies, I do have a dust mites allergy and those of you that have a wood fire know the blanket of dust they create over everything so I will be glad for the warmer weather and to stop using the wood 🔥 fire. Sure they are lovely and cosy in the winter months, lovely to look at but when you have a skin Dermatitis/eczema they can make you miserable. I'm determined to find a different heating source as I never had this skin disorder until we moved into a house with a wood heater 5 years ago, and I'm dreading next winter already. My own other options are to move to the tropics, find a not so expensive electric heating, we don't have gas so that puts has heating out of the question.

Does anyone else suffer like this? Leave your comments below:)

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