They came again 2..

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Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago

Good evening guys and I am apologize for my inactivity and my delay in dropping the second episode of the story, they came again.I have been very busy with personal issues and thank God! All sorted out now!

Here is the link to the first episode if you haven't read it yet!

I woke up to see the blurry image over my head make way into the clear image of my dad. He looked a little bit startled as he stared at me and that startled me even more than I was already. "Is he really my dad?", I thought. It isn't surprising for a person to start doubting reality when he sees things that only appear in his dreams or at night.

"Are you okay son?", well, at least his voice doesn't sound startled as his face looked.

"yes dad". I muttered but deep down, I wasn't even sure if I was really okay. I then realized that the gunshots I heard before passing out weren't aimed at me but where aimed at those creatures. The grimy stain all over my shirt I presume was the blood of their leader. It reeked of evil. As if aware of what was going through my mind, dad asked,

"those things... , is this your first encounter with them?". If he had asked me without seeing them for himself, I would have answered yes, having seen them for himself there was no use of lying. Long ago, a fallen angel used to visit me at night. He'd come, wake me from my sleep and take me to some place out of this world on its back. It was a really thrilling experience and out of excitement, I had told my father but he had dismissed it as "an active imagination born from reading and writing horror and fantasy" which was what I loved doing, ever since I vowed never to tell him anything extraordinary I encounter again.

I said no. I told him about how they only appeared at night until today. I told him about the face licking and the paralysis they caused me. I told him everything without holding anything back. After emptying all I know about them he looked a bit worried but not confused, and that made me entertain the thought that he knew about them all along.

Dad walked towards the other end of the room where he rested his gun, an AK-47 to be precise and he came back to where I laid, "can you walk son?". Him arriving home without any prior call nor hint was one thing, him welding a sophisticated gun was another. The only gun I knew this man had in possession was a Dane gun with which we used to hunt deers in the mountains so it came as a surprise. I knew he must have been the one who shot those creatures dead but I hadn't the faintest clue he didn't use a Dane gun. Well, on second thoughts, it'd take more than a Dane gun to kill those mfs!!

We walked towards a cave some distance away from our house and there they were, all three, face down. They looked as good as dead. My dad bent down as if trying to look for something only him is capable of seeing. He looked up at me who was standing inches away from his and asked,

"do you have any idea what these are?"

I was right all along, the way he remained calm suggests that he knew something I don't. As much as I know, my dad might be a gentleman, but he isn't all that calm.

He took my silence for what it is ; a lack of knowledge of what's going on and proceeded,

"These are the Morlocks. They are from a time long gone and a time that's yet to come, they are from both the past and future", he stopped to look at my obviously confused face then explained "the Morlocks are the ancestors of humans and also the descendants, they are the beings that exist as the two extremes of human existence, they are a very impatient species. When we dream about our past lives or events that happened in the past, they use the dream as an avenue to travel to the present before it becomes interrupted", It made some sense now, almost all my dreams are from my childhood days when I was a happy young boy before my mother died from diabetes. He continued, "... from the present, they intend to look for their species from the future to propagate more species and take over the world".

A morlock.

Image Source

"Take over the world?" I asked yet again, confused.

"Yes son, and if that happens, you and I and everyone else will have to die..."

To be continued...

Thanks for reading,



$ 1.06
$ 1.00 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Aimure
$ 0.02 from @TheGuy
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Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago


Are you really fan of Bleach anime? Ulquiorra is my favorite character ever.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh yes I am. Me too! I love bleach alot!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wait for the next. First ever listened about Morlock

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wait for the next. First ever listened about Morlock

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah thanks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago