My Personality: Now You See Me, Now You Don't . 30 Days Writing Challenge

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Avatar for Ugomarcel
2 years ago

Life is fun if you see it as fun. One basic principle I have learnt about life is to take it as it comes. No stress, just relax.

Being on will expose you to so many prompts. Even if you are not the prompt type, you cant help but notice the different contributions to various prompts.

I have been seeing different prompts but have never partaken in any of them. Never gave them a thought. However this particular prompt seems to align with me a great deal. For over a month now I have read writers contribute to the prompt " 30 days writing challenge." This got me interested for so many reasons.

I would call myself a lazy writer,lol. I have been on this platform for about a year now but I don't think I have written up to twenty articles. It's that pathetic. Why this is so, I can't really explain. Maybe laziness, funny enough this is one of my personality.

In order to help myself in being productive, I have decided to be part of this writing prompt. Perhaps it should give me the needed boost I so much crave for.

So today is my day 1 and it's all about my PERSONALITY . A very apt tittle to start this sort of challenge. Since we all are behind our keyboards, I assume nobody knows anything about anybody on this platform, except you let them know.

Would love to share just a little about me, what makes me thick. I don't come regular, if you know what I mean. With me, there is nothing to hide. So let's get started.



To a large extent you might get confused if you are not close to me. Most times I appear too, too serious with life but that is far from what I am. I could look unfriendly but trust me I am super friendly and the easiest person you could approach. With me, most times what you see is not what you get.


My dad was a completely fearless ma. He is never afraid to tell you as it is. This has rubbed off on me and my siblings. So if you don't want to hear the truth, just avoid me. Don't ask me of my opinion if you are looking for someone to cover up for you. I hardly take side, as a matter of fact I don't. Even if you are my best friend, I will tell you as it is. Maybe that's why I don't have plenty of friends. You know people don't like you telling them the truth. We like people supporting everything we do whether it be good or bad.


I don't do religion. I am not a religious person. When people hear me say this, they get confused. Especially in a highly religious country like mine. The thing is, I completely believe in God and worship to him. I don't believe it is until I go to church or a mosque before I can worship him.

I honestly see religion as being divisive (my opinion please). Religion has caused so much problem in the world. I believe everyone is serving the same God but through a different medium. The way I see a Muslim is equally how I see a Christian brother or sister. I have seen where the family of a Muslim sister refused her marrying a Christian just because of his religion. I think this is wrong. Doesn't make sense to me. I believe in humanity and I see everyone as one. So please don't ask for my religion.


Alexander fuller

This particular personality I love so much. I could read as early as I turned three. Books has always been my companion from that tender age. Even in pains, I could completely immerse my self in my books. I can go without food for days but not books. This has contributed greatly to what knowledge I have today. I am versed in so many things, most outside my scope of study. Trust me I could do plenty of things simply because of this personality of mine.


Elie Khurry

I can confront anything. If fearless was a person, I think that would be me. I hardly get scared, quite rare. I have this bold conviction I can take on anyone and anything and still come out unscathed. Maybe my black belt in taekwondo is 'deceiving' me, lol. Funny enough I detest fighting. Can't remember the decade I fought last. It would take a ton of provocation to make me fight or engage someone. One thing is, I can't be intimidated, even if you are THANOS.


One terrible personality I wish I could change is my laziness. I could procrastinate forever. Things I need to get done in an instant can take me weeks to complete. This part of me I pray seriously to change. It has cost me so much.


Nick wings

I believe a little child is allowed to dream and fantasy. How do you explain an adult that daydreams so much. Mine could get to a point of excessiveness. The good thing is they sometimes makes me strive to achieve some of the things i daydream about. Though I don't get to achieve most(for now). But hey, its good to imagine once in a while, don't you think so.


I am not too much of a social person. I could stay indoors for weeks, provided I have my cable subscription and Internet enabled. But I occasionally go out with friends. Its not really a thing for me though.


One minute I might be all hyper and boom the next minute I want to be on my own. You call it mood swings, I call it being me, lol. This could get terrible if I don't really know you.

I play a lot with friends but I can easily withdraw to my shell before you know it. There are days I would lock myself in my apartment, alone, for up to three days. Neighbours might think I travelled. Whether this is good or bad, I can't say, but it works for my sanity most of the time.


I could get loud when trying to get across to someone. I could raise my voice so you hear me clearly but then it ends there. Once am done pouring out my mind to you, probably shouting at you, it ends there. I don't begrudge anyone. I simply don't have the energy for that. I abhor malice. Wouldn't keep it with anyone. At every point in time I want to have a free mind. That's why I will tell you your fault when you offend me, maybe I would shout while doing so. But that's its, I have poured it all out. Nothing is remaining on my mind. A free spirit.

AS CALM AS.......

Yoan Boyer

I have this uneasy sense of ease. I hardly get moved or worried by events. No matter how terrible a situation is, I have this inner calm that hardly makes me panic. I could be so at ease even if the whole world is falling right now.

There are so much to say about my type of person but this ones are the easily recognised personalities about me. They explain me in every way possible. I believe I am still a work in progress. I know I would drop some of these traits, especially the lazy part of me. I would get better even as I grow older.

How about you? Are you taking part in the challenge? Have you talked your personalities? Would love to read about them.

$ 0.02
$ 0.01 from @Tomi-Ajax
$ 0.01 from @Unity
Avatar for Ugomarcel
2 years ago


Why have any challenges? I don't have any writing challenges. I write a blog almost every day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, I wish I could bro. But I think I am trying now.

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2 years ago