Hello dear Readcashers. I am here to introduce my self. We are a group of people called the Tutornaut who are interested in writing articles about mostly complex science and maths topics . We are here to help you in anyway concerning your problems in Mathematics and science.
Aims, objectives and why we chose Readcash.
To enable students understand concepts in science and maths.
To answer most of the brain racking questions and any question which you find it difficult to solve.
To teach and write articles mostly about concepts in math and science.
Also help students by giving tips on how to make the mark.
Post videos mostly motivational videos to keep the students on track.
To also help in Guidance and counseling of the students when it comes to academics.
There will be videos about programming and coding made easy.
Education is not the key to success but it is the gateway to success. The key to success is the brain to think and the skills to make it through determination and hard work. There are alot of individuals who have made it without education and I believe there must be equity for all. If you believe you can make it by learning so be it. It is your talent to learn and make it worth it✨. Not everyone has the brain of an Einstein but you can nurture it and think like an Einstein and "do" like an Einstein.
Now the reason for coming here;
Why read.cash and why Bitcoin cash.
I together with my 5 friends find interest in using and adopting Bitcoin cash. @Her-bert is also apart of this initiative together with @ClDvor and other read.cash users. We have been invited by these two fantastic writers here. They explained to us as to how the site works and how Bitcoin cash is and we are grateful for this opportunity to also make some BCH by also making the effort to pour down our knowledge to the generations to also tap the knowledge for it to be transferred. We are here to help you to help us. I hope you get it. So we hope we are invited to this site to also earn some BCH and also help unleash the Einstein in you.
In no time we will get used to the site and I hope we are invited here. Thank you.
For now our point of contact to any question is on Readcash and also if you are willing to sponsor us here on read.cash we would be very glad.
Have a nice day!