At first glance the words of this quote may seem a bit harsh and abrasive. If your skin is so thin that you get offended by this quote you are probably not going to be successful. Now put your BIG BOY pants on and read the quote again, letting your initial emotional reaction fall away. There is a lesson to learned here. Success is a thinking game and there is little space for emotion, when the important deals are on the table. This quote is all about the times when you have to be less emotion and more thinking. When it comes to success it takes hard work, confidence, and perseverance. You have to have staying power to do what other people aren't willing or capable of doing.
If you are ever satisfied with "normal" you will always live that way. Normal people very seldom motivate themselves to be great at anything. Don't you want to be great at something? If so, that mean you must get off your ass and do what you weren't willing to do yesterday. If you want to be special in the world you must act in a way that says to other people, that you are special. The truth of the matter is, there is no one like you in the entire world. But, and there is a "but" to speak about. That is, to be special, unique in the eyes of other people and to yourself, you must move outside of "normal" thinking.
"Normal Thinking" is small, almost insignificant to the Universe. When you begin to think bigger about life, life will show "BIGGER" reflections back to you. Why do you think karma is so powerful? Karma is part of the Universal mirror image of self. Do bad things and bad things will happen often in your life. But in contrast, fill your life with doing good things and Good Things will come back to you. Now whether this idea is only a person's perception of life does not matter. We build our reality from our perceptions. Perceive the world is bad and the mirror reflects a bad world. Create the perception that everything in the world is Good and so shall it be.
Life has a way of showing us exactly what we are all about, outside of our BS excuses of why we aren't who we want to be. The reflection in the mirror is a true representation of who we are inside. What we think of ourself is the creation of our life and the reality we build round us. Now when I am speaking about mirrors I don't mean a physical one. The mirror is in many ways our karma reflection. What is your mirror showing back to you? Reflect on this question in a calm, quite space each day for a few minutes. If what comes back isn't something positive then it's time to make some changes in your life. It's time to do what others aren't willing to do, so that you can have what others cannot. "The only thing that makes you special in this world is getting off your ass, and doing what normal people aren't willing to do". Michaelson Williams
Michaelson Williams, TSX
Editor-n-Chief at MMAP Magazine
All famous and successful people had their spotlight because I think the quote you made is one of their mantras, you can't be special if you are going with the normal ones. They step up and leave the normal phase and do the things that some people aren't willing to do.
As for me, I can say that I am slowly stepping up, and I'd like to keep whatever motivation I have right now.