Trip to Mt. Abu Part I

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2 years ago
February 14, 2022
Monday morning

Hello! This is me again with a peregrination which outset with the sunset of 2015 and completed with the sunrise of 2016.
I already mentioned that when we were in class 7th we went on the city trip and after that, we didn't go on any trip in class 8th. And according to the school tradition, it was compulsory to go on a peregrination in class 8th and generally to another state and also in class 9th and then one in class 11th.
But our immediate senior had some arguments with the outsiders in their class 8th trip when we were in 7th only and because of that, the school administration decided that we don't deserve any trip further.
However, we were not the ones who were going to pay for the other mischiefs rather we wanted to go and establish a beautiful image of us and our school again. But the administration was stubborn not to send us anywhere our class 8th in the hope that maybe the administration will send us in class 9th but in class 9th almost the entire academic year was about to end without going anywhere and we finally decided to approach the authority continuously and they finally said that they are willing to send us to a trip but they rewarded us with the challenge to decide the place and convince a teacher who is ready to accompany us for the trip.

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Before further processing the trip I would like to express my gratitude to the people who sponsor me-

Sponsors of Trofi01

We won't deny the fact that it was really a despairing thing to convince a teacher to accompany us on a trip because all the teachers who have accompanied our seniors in the past on trips they faced really hot troubles always and that's the reason other teacher decided not to accompany any further batches with any of the trips.
We went to each and every single teacher there is a faculty of 40 members in our school and none of them was ready to go with us, and we requested them a lot. To be honest we even do not want to request any teacher and that is one reason the administration challenged us to convince a teacher to go with us because the administration was well aware of the things going on between the ego of the teachers and the batches.
Finally after so many requests and citing the rationale that ''how can they breed superstitions that we will also bring trouble in the trips and that if they do not give us a chance then how'd they find out actually''? other trifle rationales was also tried by us but then a seniormost faculty of mathematics said that approach, other teachers, again and if none will be convinced then I will think about it.
We approached few teachers again not all and then showed up to the seniormost faculty of maths once again and he then said that if we are able to convince Mr. XYZ then I am ready to accompany you all.
Actually, we all were aware that these two senior teachers relations go on very well and they are quite good friends and therefore we went to that teacher and laid our proposal to him he straightforward denied the proposal, and then we said sir, the Mr. ABC is already willing to go with us then he becomes a rather thoughtful and said I will tell you tomorrow.
We went to them again tomorrow and met them together and they finally accepted the proposal.
We then decided the place of visit and contacted the various organizer of trips in other states and we finally negotiated with the organizers too. From the title of the article, you are already aware which place we decided to visit.

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We approached the administration with our detailed plan of how many days is the trip and what place we decided and which of the teachers is willing to go. But they again said that" we can't send you amid the running academic session then we immediately said that sir, we are ready to sacrifice our winter vacation and then the administration says will your teachers sacrifice the vacation for you guys?"

We then talked to both the teachers and then they said "Now they need to be a little more thoughtful of the decision and they said we will tell you our decision later and finally after a week they both accepted the proposal and was ready to go with us".

We told the administration everything and all. Then the administration said us to reserve our own train tickets and since the school fund is running out of money we'd have to finance our own trips and Now this was another trouble because you are very well aware that any trip of a week definitely requires a good amount of money.




$ 0.88
$ 0.85 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Ling01
$ 0.01 from @Mazekin
Sponsors of Trofi01
Avatar for Trofi01
2 years ago


Usually it's the teachers who push the students to join trip like this, but this one is different :D

$ 0.01
2 years ago

we are different:))

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy valentines day friend

$ 0.01
2 years ago

There's no valentine in my life dude, but anyway thanks)

$ 0.00
2 years ago