International Women's Day!

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International Women's Day (originally called International Working Women's Day) is celebrated on March 7 every year. Women all over the world celebrate this day as a major occasion. Celebrating Women's Day in one end of the world. Financial, political and social establishment is more important. The main goal is one of a kind. Somewhere the general respect and reverence for women is the main theme of the celebration.

The history of the struggle for the rights of women workers is behind the celebration of this day. In 1857 AD. Women workers in a yarn factory took to the streets of New York to protest against labor inequality, fixed working hours, and the inhumane working environment. In that procession, the government lethal forces repressed. In 1906, the first international women's conference was held in New York under the auspices of the Social Democrat Women's Organization, led by German socialist leader Clara Jetkin. Clara was a German politician; One of the architects of the German Communist Party. Then in 1910 the Second International Women's Conference was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. 100 women representatives from 16 countries participated in it. At the conference, Clara proposed to observe March 8 every year as International Women's Day. It was decided that the day would be celebrated as Women's Equal Rights Day from 1911. Socialists from different countries came forward to celebrate the day. Since 1914, March 8 has been celebrated in several countries. This day has been celebrated in Bangladesh since before independence in 1971. Then on March 7, 1975, international recognition was given. The United Nations has called on various states to observe the day. Since then it has been celebrated all over the world. The day is aimed at reaffirming the commitment to women's equal rights.

Activities of the United Nations:

March 8 is International Women's Day. Although March 7 started in New York, this day became more popular in Europe. Recognizing the importance of this day, the UN General Assembly on 16 December 1986 called upon the member states to observe the day as a day of the year to uphold the historical, national heritage and customs of their respective countries and to establish women's rights and world peace. States are called upon to create the necessary environment to eliminate discrimination against women (Decision-32/142). UN staff observed the day on March 7. Many countries around the world celebrate International Women's Day on the 8th. As women's society has been celebrating March 8 for more than a hundred years, the United Nations declared March 8, 1974 as International Women's Day in recognition of their historic struggle. This declaration paved the way for the political, economic and social emancipation of the disenfranchised women.

Significance of International Women's Day:

The significance of the celebration of International Women's Day is to assess and highlight the extent to which the rights of women around the world have been invincible and the inequalities and obstacles they face. The long history of the role of the United Nations in achieving women's rights is also an important topic of discussion on International Women's Day.

Celebration of International Women's Day:

The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations makes recommendations for the advancement of women in the political, economic and social spheres. In 1952, the Commission of the Status of Women called for a convention on women's political rights, the right to pay VAT, and equal rights to work in the office. In the conventions of 1956 and 1962. The United Nations has taken steps to ensure equality, development and equal rights for women in the areas of equality, development and peace, employment, health and education. In 1972, the General Assembly declared 1975 as World Women's Year. The purpose of the World Women's Year was to fully involve women in gender equality and development and to increase women's contribution to world peace. From 15 June to 2 July 1975, the 1st World Conference on Women was held in Mexico City at the initiative of the United Nations. The United Nations declares 1975 as the Women's Decade. The goal of the Women's Decade was equality, development and peace. The World Conference on Women was held in 1975 in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. In 1995, the Fourth World Conference on Women was held in Beijing. Today, International Women's Day is officially celebrated as a public holiday in many countries around the world.

Current Status of Women:

Significant progress has been made in the education, health, politics and economy of women in the world. However. There has not been much progress in the rural areas of the developing world. On the other hand, women have not yet been liberated from various forms of discrimination including discrimination, exploitation, rape, abduction, acid throwing, sexual abuse, trafficking in women and murder. Such unfavorable. As a subordinate class. Their actions and labor are not evaluated. In illiterate rural society, this view is more prevalent.

Women's Day is celebrated every year in the environment to inspire the world community towards women's rights. Background of Women's Development in Bangladesh: Women constitute half of the population of Bangladesh. The overall and balanced development of the country cannot be expected by keeping this women society confined within the four walls of the house. The Bangladesh Women's Rehabilitation Foundation, later known as the Bangladesh Women's Rehabilitation and Welfare Foundation, was formed in 1974 for the welfare and rehabilitation of women victims of the War of Independence. The National Women's Organization was formed in 1986 with the aim of making women's development activities comprehensive and well-organized. In 1986, the government created the Department of Women's Affairs and attached special importance to women's development. The Ministry of Women's Affairs was established in 1986 to make the role of women in national development meaningful and active. The first Directorate of Women's Affairs was set up at the government level in 1984 with the aim of accelerating the overall development of the women's society in the country. In 1990, it was transformed into a department. The National Women's Development Policy was announced in 1996 and a 44-member National Women's Council was formed under the leadership of the then Prime Minister. On March 8, 2013, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina announced that equality between men and women will be established in Bangladesh by 2021.

Significance of Women's Day in Bangladesh:

Bangladesh is also active in the global context for the development of women's destiny. The government has specific plans and programs for this. The Ministry of Women and Children Affairs is working separately for the welfare of women. Its functions are national policy on women and children, adoption of development programs, legal and social rights issues for women, creation of opportunities for women's work, etc. In addition to the 45 reserved seats in the National Assembly, women can participate in elections alongside men. There are reserved seats for women in city corporations, municipalities and union councils. There is a special quota system for women in jobs. Empowerment of women in the country is an important goal of the government. Special arrangements exist for women. Yet women's society in Bangladesh lags behind in political, social and economic development.

The celebration of Women's Day carries special significance in Bangladesh. Slogan of Women's Day: In order to make the International Women's Year attractive and widely promoted, various slogans are created every year.

Some of the slogans adopted in different years :

"1998:There is no marriage without a cabin, I want a cabin as soon as I get married

1999:Stop violence against women,

2000: build a happy society "

Men's attitude towards women has not changed much In a patriarchal society, women are seen. When International Women's Day comes, we need awareness and self-reflection on these issues. For this reason, the significance of this day in Bangladesh is immense now.

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