That day was beautiful

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There was no network last night due to rain. There is a rainy season throughout the month of March. But this month keeps us away from the internet. Because the tower closes here during the rain. Only those who have Ufone SIM can use internet but most people here use Telenor. Because Telenor is 4G and Ufone is 3G. Telenor's net runs faster than Ufone's. But I have a Telenor SIM because Ufone's internet packages are more expensive than Telenor. It is very difficult to work online in our village. I write the article in two parts. I write the first part after lunch and I finsh the rest of the article in the evening. Anyway, this problem has been with us from the beginning. Let's get out of this problem and move on to the topic haha.

When I heard the word Eid, I remembered the last Eid. I always try to enjoy every festival. My two aunts live in cities. Both my aunts come to the village with their family on the occasion of Eid every year. We all men of the family come together every year to celebrate Eid. First of all, all of us cousins get together. After that we all visit the homes of all our relatives. First we go to our uncle's house because my mother has only one brother. Last time we celebrated Eid in different ways. Five kilometers away from our village are my uncle's fields on which my uncle had installed a tube well. The last Eid was in the month of May and the heat was intense. We all planned to go to the tube well because of the heat. We had some food to enjoy the party. Some fruits and biscuits. We went there and changed our clothes so that we could take a bath in the tube well. We got there at about eleven o'clock am.

My uncles have built a well in front of the tube well pipe which is about five feet deep. On one side of it is a big hole so that the water cannot reach the edge of the well. And the floor of the well was made of cement. I was the first to jump into the well. Bathing in a tube well was a really beautiful feeling. I was having fun repeatedly hitting my body with a storm of fresh water under the pipe. I would put my hands over my ears and nose and take myself into the water. So that water does not get into the ears and nose. One of my cousins challenged me to stay underwater for 30 seconds. So he will buy me a burger. Maybe my cousin didn't know that I had some experience in underwater breathing. Because I had met many such challenges while bathing in the river many times before. My peers here specialize in underwater breathing because we villagers used to bathe in rivers since childhood. I easily completed my cousin's challenge but I didn't take the burger. Because my cousin was a guest to me, he came from the city. It was a really fun challenge haha.

I was taking a bath and eating apricots. I could not hear anything when the wkater from the five or six inch pipe fell hard on my head. And I often found myself in front of a pipe haha. We also bought some mangoes. One of my cousins threw a mango at me. I was standing in the water and I could not catch the mango because my hands were wet. I was surprised myself because I was good at catching. But unfortunately I could not catch the mango that day. That mango fell into the well. I immediately took a dip. That mango would slip out of my hands. Because the water pressure under the well was high. And I was a little worried because everyone had a mango in their hands. And there was no extra mango. Then one of my cousins dived and found the naughy mango haha. There was a distinct taste of eating mango while bathing in the tube well.

I blurred my cousins's faces. I also hid my face haha.

We enjoyed bathing in the well for about two hours. I didn't want to get out of the well but my unlces told me that staying in the water too long is bad for my health. This was my first experience of bathing in a tube well which was pleasant. We all took off our wet clothes. Then one of my cousins put the pot on the fire to make tea. We had extracted goat's milk. Because we forgot to take cow's milk from home. That goat was my uncle's pet that was tied up in the fields. Before the tea was ready, strong winds began to blow and the sky was covered with clouds. My cousin had a hard time making tea because he was making it out of the room.

Goat's milk tea was delicious.

At that time the crops were harvested and we could not see the greenery. Cool winds and clouds eased the heat and gave us more fun. We had just returned from our uncle's fields before sunset. I remember when we got home it started to rain heavily. We were lucky that day that we got home before the rain. Because after the rain, there is mud which spoils the roads. And water accumulates in the village streets because the sewerage system is useless here. We made a lot of pictures together that remind me of that day.

Some days are special in our lives. That is why those days remain in our minds despite the passing of years. I miss all my cousins very much. It's been almost nine months since we met. Our lives are running so fast that we don't even feel it. I'm excited for the next festival as it approaches.

Everyone should enjoy their life and try to be happy so that the bitterness of life can be removed. Have fun with your loved ones so you can be strong with each other. Remembering such moments refreshes my mind.

Thanks for reading

The lead and all the other pictures are mine

$ 2.15
$ 1.99 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @sj0820
$ 0.05 from @Vika09
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Sponsors of Tilawat


looks like you had a lot of fun guys, awesome :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are right, we had a memorable moment there that I will probably never forget.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

im happy to hear that buddy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can see you being happy friend in the smiles you are really happy while bathing. Maybe you will make that an unforgettable experience friend. Remember.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I was so happy that day because we were all together. We celebrated the last festival very well. Thank you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I see that my friend had a lot of fun. Glad for you. Unforgettable times

$ 0.01
2 years ago

hey, ramadan is fast approaching hope you'll invite me over when its eid time? And is that well suppose a storage for water of like a recreational pool?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'd love to see you here. You can come here even before Eid. It is like a recreational pond but it is built to irrigate the fields. But we also bathe there sometimes. Thank you Physio

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Smiles, I can't imagine the fun in that pool. It brings back childhood memories. Have fun Tilawat!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The first time I bathed in that tube well it was really fun. If that well was long, I could probably swim there.

$ 0.00
2 years ago