Letter from a father to parents

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2 years ago
2ND JUNE, 2022.



Most experienced parents can testify that bringing up a child is not altogether an easy task. It is a duty with challenges, hopelessness and times of fear. This challenges could be as a result of societal trend, peer pressure, developmental stages of children, satanic manipulations, lack of cooperation by either parent or waywardness in children.

Especially in this 21st century, the challenges facing parents are manifold. Fashions and innovations targeted at enticing, misleading, enslaving and destroying children are the order of the day. Today's parents are contending with diverse issues that their own parents never heard of, much less dealt with. We are even sometimes being tempted to wonder what kind of world we have brought our children into. Parents need not to be afraid of these challenges but be determined to overcome them because there is abundant gain in successful parenting.

Child training must be a deliberate and well-planned program specially patterned according to the needs and peculiarities of each child. It should not be haphazardly done to avoid having maladjusted children who are morally, intellectually socially, economically and socially disadvantaged. It is imperative that as a parent you have to thoroughly know your children otherwise, you will not be able to give them appropriate training and guidance.

When your child is demonstrating some negative traits, help him to understand himself with wisdom. Never match aggression with aggression. Let him know that despite all, your love for him is unwavering. Let him know you still believe in him do not give up. Be firm. This is just a trying phase of child training.

Every successful parent has gone through this. Take Ben Carson's case as an example. At a time he was almost a write-off but his mother believed in him, prayed the more for him, guided him and proceeded with training him with firm principles. She succeeded at last.

Another example is Monica, a devout mother of Saint Augustine. She also had her own time of tearful toiling and travailing for the deliverance of her wayward son from the hand of the devil. Because she refused to give up even when his case appeared to be totally hopeless, she eventually had cause to smile as her son became a foremost defender of the faith.

Susanna Wesley couldn't have had it easy either. With several children to cater for, she ensured that they were taught the way of the lord. She was ceaseless in her prayers and firm in her ways.

Quitters do not make a success of child training. Persistence is a key factor.

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2 years ago
