Don't take the lead

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1 year ago
27TH MARCH, 2023. 

Hello 🙋 writers. Happy Sunday to you all from the bottom of my heart. Yesterday was very hectic for me that I could not write an article here. I woke up around 4a.m. yesterday and had my quiet time. I started preparing breakfast till ten. After that I did the laundry till 1;30pm. Then I started to prepare the Sunday School lesson because I would be teaching the congregation today which I have done already. As I was on it, I was doing other things too and so by the time I finished it, I was fagged out. I didn't even know the time I slept. Even as I write now, I feel sleepy.

Permit me to share some lessons from our Sunday school class.

Our study today is from the book of exodus chapter 25 to 27 and at the beginning of chapter 25, God command Moses to speak to the Israelites that they bring an offering and the offerings should be brought with a willing heart because God loves a cheerful giver. As Christians, we should give our best and our all to God because he gave us his only begotten son as a sacrifice for the redemption of the whole world.

One of our song says 'our talent may be few, it may be small but all we need to do is give our best, our all freely and regularly'. The Tabernacle that God instructed Moses to build was for his dwelling place. Today, it means that our body is the Temple of God as seen in 1st Corinthians 6:19 to 20 Here we see that emphasis is placed on our body is a temple of God and wherever God will dwell must be holy because God hates uncleanliness and unrighteousness.

Even though we God dwells in our body, we should also build physical house for him, a place of worship where it will be convenient. It is necessary because God is not pleased with us when we do not care to make the house of God conducive for worship. I really learnt some other things like making the house of God conducive which means I have to always go early to church to clean the house of God.

Another thing I learnt is that as the children of Israel moved from the land of Egypt to canaan, they spent 40 years on the journey due to their disobedience and stubbornness to God but throughout all those years, they did not buy a single clothing and they did not buy a single footwear. This means that God provided for all their needs. This is a consolation to me today that whatever I am passing through, even though in my country here things are very difficult I believe God is my provider, I believe God is my sufficiency and he's always helping me.

God also instructed Moses on how to pattern the Tabernacle and today as we work for God as Christians, we need to follow the pattern of God in whatever we are doing. Even in evangelism, we should not use our own wisdom but we should ask for wisdom from God. It is not our work that we are doing, we are doing the work of God therefore we should follow the manual's instructions.

The last lesson I will share with us is that God instructed Moses to keep the fire burning on the altar. This signifies that are spiritual life must keep burning for God in holy living, in evangelism and prayer. We should beware of false doctrines. No matter where we find ourselves. we need to keep the fire burning. Keep on the firing line.

Thank you all for the advice you gave as comments and replies in my previous article. I sincerely appreciate it and I promise to take to your advice. Thank you once again. I'm glad to have you as virtual friends. Thank you. HAPPY SUNDAY once again.

Have a great day 🤗

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1 year ago


Oh yeah, our body is the temple of the God and it should be kept clean always for God to dwell. God frowns at uncleanliness

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1 year ago

Thanks for agreeing.

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