Bad attitudes of medical practitioners

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26TH NOVEMBER, 2022. 

Happy weekend to you here. Have you done the necessary laundry today? I hope you did according to your capacity. For me, anytime I want to wash my clothes, I will pack only the ones I know that I will be able to wash without fainting. There is someone I know that anytime she wants to wash, she will pack her own clothes, her husband's clothes and two children's clothes to wash with her hands in a day. There was a day that she landed in the hospital before finishing the clothes she was washing. She was admitted in the hospital for some days. So,wash according to your ability.

I appreciate everyone here for your kind gestures when I wrote an article about my sibling's accident. I pray that God will not allow such to happen to anyone of us by God's grace. It is well with all of us.

My baby sister is not yet back home from where she travelled to. She was supposed to return by weekend but when they went to the hospital on Thursday, the doctor said that the stitches will be undone after ten days. This made us very worried because the BSN has really spent a lot of money and time on my sister and her friend. The doctor gave no explanation and eventually sent them out of his office.

They decided to go to another hospital and there it was discovered that there has been no improvement on the wound for the past one week. The new hospital had to admit her and begin the necessary treatments immediately. BSN has contacted their lawyer and they will take the doctor to court because he was only collecting money and the wound was not healing. He was not taking proper care of the wound. You can imagine that the wound is on the head. How can that doctor be so cruel and wicked that he will not take care of the wound properly and you have been collecting money all these days for the past one week. You can imagine the bad attitudes of this doctors.

As we were talking about this, someone also shared his own experience too that there was his brother who had an injury while travelling on the bike and he had an accident and it was a bit serious and anytime they take him to the hospital, the doctor will tell all of them to go out and not stay where they are taking care of the injured boy after about 2 weeks. The family later discovered that the wound was not improving. So later, when they went back to the hospital, they said they told them to go out again and then the family told them that they will not go out and that was how the doctor sent them away from the hospital.

They went to another hospital and it was there that it was discovered that they had not been taking proper care of the wound and the wound was already smelling and almost decaying. You can imagine that nonsense. What sort of thing is that please I want to advise our medical practitioners to please be very careful and gentle with lives. The life of a man is very precious.

Almost all the doctors and nurses we usually meet in hospitals they are very harsh sometimes. You can imagine going to the hospital with pains and then they will ask you to sit down and they will be making noise, they will be talking and talking instead of attending to the patient. That is not good enough and it's very painful. That is not supposed to be.

I know that there are some good and nice doctors. But the bad eggs among them are more than the good ones.

There was a movie I watched and the author portrayed a very good nurse attitude. The right attitude of nurses was portrayed in that movie and they were even saying that it was as if cruelness and cruelty was part of the training they got in school. Can you imagine that? I know that is not part of the training.

Doctors and other medical practitioners should please cultivate a good attitude towards patients.

Have a great day 🤗

$ 0.04
$ 0.03 from @tired_momma
$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani
Sponsors of Tife.


I did a laundry today my friend but I used washing machine. I have a dysmenorrhea today that's why it's only 2 clothes friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That is okay. It is better than stressing yourself. I hope you feel better now.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am feeling better now a bit my friend. Thank you. ❤️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Doctors are there for the safety of people and they should be very caring towards their patients

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Only God can help us talk to them. Thanks for reading.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Only God can help us talk to them. Thanks for reading.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Today's doctors only work for money, humanity is so rare, especially in the medical field. I hope your baby sister will get better soon

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Amen. We will continue praying for her.

$ 0.00
1 year ago