Maundy Thursday: washing of feet

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2 years ago

Maundy Thursday is the day which Jesus had the last supper with his apostles. On that same day and time he also washed their feet.

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Greetings to my ever supportive sponsors. I thank you for all your kindness. God bless you always.

I get to attend the mass for today, Maundy Thursday, as part of the holy week celebration. I praise God I got to witness the memoire of his humble dids and got to appreciate the holiness of the holy mass and the Eucharist.

The holy gospel retell the story of what exactly happened on that day in which Jesus had the last supper with his disciples. Every Maundy Thursday, I always reminded of how we celebrate the body of blood of Christ through the Holy mass. As he said" Do this in memory of me". But today's Maundy Thursday, I have learned different part of the story and focus different side of it. The side where the Lord washed the apostles feet. It was the humblest act I could ever known in my existence. As the Lord said to Peter when Peter refused to be washed " if you won't let me washed your feet then you are not my disciple". And then Peter responded and allowed the Lord even asked to be washed not just feet but head and body as well. But the Lord said to him, " if you take a bath, the part of your body are all clean except the feet, thus I will only clean your feet." It was a very humble act of the Lord to clean the feet of his apostles.

Cleaning the feet reflect service to others. The Lord had shown perfect example to all of us that we should be a service to others as well. I believe that the Lord tried to show us, that we should live for other people and not just ourselves. Indeed, we are made not for ourselves alone. "No man is an island". Eva is made for Adam. The tree won't eat its own fruit. And the river doesn't drink its own water. It is very clear that our mission, that the Lord emphasizes to us this Maundy Thursday is to be of service to other people.

Way back in the past years when I was an active member in the CFC- Youth for Christ community, I attended a recollection, a leader's retreat. I was the chapter head of our chapter by that time that is why I was in that recollection. Part of the program was washing of feet. An act that was taken from the act of Jesus to his disciples. We must choose anyone from our group that we will washed feet with. Someone that is of service and we want to honor and give thanks for their service to us. I choose my partner as a chapter head. I was his feet and told him how I honor him for his service as my partner in the mission. It was a very satisfying feeling and a feels so amazing. I was so overwhelmed that after washing his feet, he got to washed mine as well. He honor me for being his partner as well, giving thanks for my patience and understanding. I cried not because I was flattered but because I see Christ himself in him. The humbleness and the humility. By that moment I felt so overwhelmed and filled with the holy spirit. That's how I start to commit myself unto serving the Lord through the community. Through leading other youth and become of service to them. Eventually, I become a sector head and actively serving the Lord. But time come I get to choose between serving and study. And I choose study yet continue my mission of becoming a service to my students, as I embark my pre-service teacher journey. After graduation, I was never again become an active member of the CFC-Youth for Christ community, because I need to cross-over to becoming a Singles for Christ. It was a very challenging journey of faith and service and I was inactive by that time. And just today I came to realize that I needed to continue my service because if I won't let Jesus washed my feet, which is a sign of service then, I am not his disciples.

I couldn't fathom how the Lord become so close to me this Maundy Thursday. And I am so much grateful that I get to experience and recieved the message. I need to be of service to others that is how I continue his loving memory. The priest told us, that we are all His disciples, Jesus disciples. Thus, we must continue his legacy, his perfect example. His humility. His humbleness.

Tomorrow is Good Friday. And I hope and pray, God will continue to talk to me through the Gospel. I hope and pray that tomorrow, I will acknowledge the Holiness of that day. His death in the cross for my sins. I knew and I believe I couldn't repay his goodness towards me. Therefore, I need to do my best that I could do what he is saying to me.

Become of service to others.

I hope you too my friend. You could make some time for the Lord tomorrow and the rest of the days in your life to come. Listen to his words and reflect from it. It will not just for the betterment of your actions but of your soul specifically. We can't live by bread alone, because we are composed of body and soul, therefore we need His words to feed our soul as well.

That would be all for today friends. Thanks for reading. I appreciate you all.

Writer's note:

My food for the soul will be right back soon. As part of the service, I would like to continue my every Sunday article. I hope you will read them. Thank you.

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2 years ago


Absolutely. We should not just make time for the Lord today, but for the rest of our lives.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Have time for God tomorrow mamsh. We should pray. God save us for our sins. God is always with us. God always listen to us. He is a big part to our life. We should talk to him. He is always in my heart mamsh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I did mamsh.. thanks god. I am super bless.

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2 years ago