H0W R 40U R34D1N9 7H15?   

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3 years ago

Our brains can recognize and convert numbers to letters pretty quickly automatically for the same reason that we can decipher messy handwriting. When we read, we process words and letters in a few steps; firstly, when reading a longer phrase, certain areas of our brain, namely the occipitotemporal cortex and superior-temporal cortex, work to predict what word comes next. Just by reading and talking to people regularly, you can predict how simple sentences might end. You understand there's a short list of words that can logically come next in a sentence which is why when you proof-read your own work, you're more likely to glaze over smaller mistakes. Next, your eyes recognize words as a chuck, not as individual letters. You'll see test this in longer words that we regularly see such as "difficulty" or "difficolties." When speed reading, you might not catch the misspelling of the second word. Now your brain takes other steps to turn the shapes into sounds and comprehend those words but we'll not talk about that in this article.

For a similar reason, your brain doesn't really care about letter ordering in words it recognizes. This is a very good thing seeing as people accidentally misspell words all the time. If our minds couldn't adapt to small changes, it'd likely struggle to read at all. Younger people seem to be better adapted to more easily read mistakes and letter swaps, likely due to the fact that they are more accustomed to more liberal spellings of words over texting and social media. This is just another reminder on how our brains can adjust for our carelessness and laziness brilliance and creativity.

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7H15 15 4 FUNNY 70P1C 70 D15CU5, 8U7 4PP4R3N7LY 17 W0RK5, 83C4U53 0UR 8R41N C4N D0 7H15.😵😆

N0W Y0U 5H0ULD 7RY 17 F0R Y0UR53LF 700.😀👍

The above message was generated using this generator: https://usefulwebtool.com/cryptonumerals

now this is called cryptonumerals apparently, and it's also a form of cryptography, (albeit a rather fun one)😉 another nickname for this kind of typing is known as L33t-$p34k(Leet-Speak)

also a fun poem i found while looking this up. 1 H0P3 7H47 Y0U C4N R34D 7H15

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, it's been around for quite some time, mainly starting as a way for early internet people to get around certain barriers when computers try to scan for certain phrases. Still, I found this to be fascinating. I'm glad you agreed!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

agreed, one of the ways to avoid censorship against anti-swearing systems in the early days lol 😆

just a question, what's your profile picture? i can't seem to see what is it even enlarged haha, looks like water or a paint swish of sorts, abstract? 😵

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm not sure what it is either haha, I found it a while ago and just thought it looked cool! Thank you for your insightful comments!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

oh ok, if you say it's cool then it is 👍

your welcome.

$ 0.00
3 years ago