Why Free isn't Always Free

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3 years ago
Topics: Free, Money, Goals, Self-improvement, Tips, ...

It's always a fantastic feeling when you are driving along, minding your own business then all of a sudden you spot a piece of worn furniture that someone has thrown out on the curb. So you stop and pick up that newfound freebie, telling yourself that you can give it new life with a little paint! 

Several months later, that same piece of worn furniture is now taking up space on your front porch still waiting for you to invest $60 worth of paint and time on. 

So that free piece of junk furniture has now turned into an expensive time-consuming project, still waiting for its moment in glory. What the heck happened? 

All of that time, waste of space, and future expense, just because you saw a free piece of furniture along the side of the road. 

Sometimes that free item can end up costing you a lot more than you think.  

But in reality, we tend to make that same exact mistake in other ways that affect our lives, our dreams, our goals than upcycling a piece of used furniture. 

Just like all of those times when you refused to invest in yourself, or your business that could have led to the road to success. You are not willing to invest in the tools you need to get to where you need to be faster and easier. You believe you are saving money, but in reality, you are just holding yourself back, which can cost you in the long run. 

Don't set yourself up by not paying attention to the true cost of a really good deal. Just because it's free, doesn't mean it won't end up as an expense in the end. 

Being thrifty and frugal is a great trait that anyone can benefit from. It's a fantastic way to save money, especially when you are on a tight budget. But sometimes those same traits can end up leaving us blindsided if we don't invest in ourselves as well. Now is the time to do something new, step out of your comfort zone, and live the life you have always wanted to, don't you agree? 

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3 years ago
Topics: Free, Money, Goals, Self-improvement, Tips, ...
