How to Manage Clothes Moths

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3 years ago
Topics: Clothes, Moths, Closet, Pests, Insects, ...

Clothes moths are often blamed for the damage caused to the clothing in our closest, but it is their larvae that destroy the vulnerable fabrics. 

Common throughout the United States, the larvae of a clothes moth damages clothing, bedding, upholstery, curtains, carpet, and other fabrics in the home. Clothing is especially vulnerable to larvae attacks if it is stained by food, preparation, or urine. 

The clothes moth larvae damage the material by chewing holes and leaving fecal droppings on the fabric. 

The larvae are  ½ inch long with white bodies. Their adult parents are nocturnal moths that grow to be about ¼ inches in length and have a wingspan of ½ inches. Clothing moths are a deep yellow with a satin appearance and orange hairs on their head. 

Female clothes moths deposit as many as 100 eggs in her lifespan. The eggs hatch in 3 to 21 days depending on ideal conditions. Larvae will travel great distances and away from their food sources just to pupae in crevices in the home.  Pupae cocoons are silky in texture with tiny shreds of fabric woven through them. 

Spraying chemicals on fabrics to eliminate the clothes moths' larvae isn't ideal and could cause worse damage to your garments. 

Instead, eliminate the moths and their larvae naturally by vacuuming all cracks, crevices in floors and closets where moths breed. 

Finally, clean and store out of season bedding and clothes in sealed containers to prevent larvae from feeding.


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