How to Create Your First Blog Post

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Avatar for Thefightwithinher
3 years ago
Topics: Blogging, Blog, Post, Work, Business, ...

Now that you have customized your blog theme, it's time to decide on what you will be blogging about. It's time to brainstorm some topics for your first blog post. 

Most of your posts should be from your own experiences, your passion in life, your failures, lessons, and successes.  

Grab your planner and write down any ideas you may have for blog posts. If writer's block has a hold on you, step into your reader's shoes. 

Ask yourself: 

  • What would excite you as a reader of your blog? 

  • What are you searching for as a blog reader? 

  • What would keep you coming back? 

  • What challenges do you face in life? 

Perhaps your reader is excited about natural living or mental health. Maybe they are a parent interested in working from home looking for ideas or a how-to guide on making money from their own blog? Are they on a budget looking for free and thrifty ideas? Need an idea for their next meal? Or looking to live a minimal lifestyle.

Whatever questions and ideas come to mind, just be sure they are tied in with your blogging niche. Your readers might be a fan of swords, but if your blogging niche is about dinner on a budget, it will confuse readers if you are posting a guide on how to buy the right samurai sword. 

Once you have several blog post ideas, you can begin creating posts for each of those ideas. You could even create several posts from one topic idea.  Be sure to pay attention to the title of your blog posts. You want your blog post title to catch your reader's attention.

Include SEO and power words in your title. SEO keywords are the bread and butter of your post. If your blog topic is about ADHD and its symptoms, you could create a title like 5 Symptoms of ADHD That Could Make You Unstoppable in Life.

Power words are keywords that attract readers. A few examples of power words are Life-changing, Master, Brilliant, Jaw-dropping, Successful, Unstoppable, and more.

When you are ready to write the content of your first blog post, you will want to include the SEO keywords and power words that you placed in your blog's title. 

If you are using WordPress as your blogging platform, you can easily begin a post by clicking on "posts" in the sidebar on the left side of your screen. 

From there, click the "add new" button on your main screen. You'll now see Wordpress's editor in which you will begin writing your blog post. 

If you click on the plus button on the right hand corner of your editing screen, you will find a list of options that allow you to add media, quotes, headings and so forth to your blog post. 

You will also notice an area tagged title. This where you will add the title you created earlier for your niche blog post idea. Once you have included your title into your post, it's time to start writing in the body of your post the content of your niche idea. Don't forget to include SEO and Power keywords into your article. You may also want to add photos or a video to help your readers really feel like they are a part of something. 

To add an image or video, click on the area in your editor where you would like to place the media. Next, click on the image or video box, to add your choice of media to your post.

If you would like a sneak peek at what your blog post will look like before you publish it, click on the preview button located at the upper right-hand corner of your screen. 

The preview is a fantastic tool that will allow you to finalize any details that you may have forgotten or just needs polishing up like:

  • Making sure it sounds natural when reading the content.

  • The article isn't so busy with emojis, images that don't align and other useless content. 

  • You have created headlines, lists and so forth, where they are necessary. 

  • Check for grammar issues and run a spell check because with autocorrect you just never know! 

Once you have given your post one final check, you will find the publish button at the top of your screen. Now that you have officially posted your first blog post, it's time to monetize it in part six of my Blogging For Life Series.

Meanwhile, if you have not already done so, be sure to join my Facebook Group: 

Blogging For Life

Once you join, you'll have permanent access to the series, discover freebies to help your blog, connect with other members who are new to blogging, and more.

Success begins with you.

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Avatar for Thefightwithinher
3 years ago
Topics: Blogging, Blog, Post, Work, Business, ...


I guess one problem with my blogging is that i don't have specific niche.. I write anything that interest me.. i'm still building a foundation so I can concentrate on specific niche in the future.. thanks for this article... its very helpful for noob..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi, well, this is so helpful for me, to start blogging soon.Thanks for such a very relevant information that you've shared.

$ 0.00
3 years ago