How to Commit to Your Goals 

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3 years ago

Have you ever taken on one of your goals only to find yourself stressing out about it or afraid to take that risk to commit to that goal in the first place? Chances are most of us have been there and did just that. 

Yet the truth of the matter is, you can either keep being afraid or you can take control of your destiny and do what needs to be done right now. You have to commit to your goals. Crush them so badly that they never dare stare you in the face again because you my friend are a game-changer. 

You are ready to experience life and have made the sacrifices necessary to get there. And right now, you have another goal, to focus on selling your handmade products, yet you fear that no one will buy your goods.  You have tried or you are currently trying to market your products yet you are not getting the sales you need to make it a full-time hustle. You have gone as far as telling your family and friends about your new venture and even did a little research about marketing reading a few books you checked out at the library. 

But how much are you actually doing to reach your goal? How often are you distracted by other tasks that are not related to your goal? 

Most likely you haven't even taken that first step towards your goal. You're probably worried that something won't go right, that your plan won't be successful. You will fail. If these are your thoughts that control your actions  then you have already set yourself up for failure, so yes you will indeed fail. 

And if you are listening to those around you as they plan your future for you, telling you what to do, how to think, why you should agree with them, then again, yes you will fail. 

But if you set yourself up for success and you kick those negative soul-sucking vampires back from where they came, you will succeed! If you put that trust in yourself and you call all of the shots, you will succeed. 

Stop caring what others think and just commit to your goals. If you put the time and energy into each little step, before you realize it you have accomplished your goal. 

As long as you are willing to take those steps, the possibilities are truly in your hands. Where will you go? 

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3 years ago
