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3 years ago

Georgia took the prepaid visa card out of her wallet and handed it to the cashier. The faster she could get out of this place, the faster she could get back to her hotel room, safe and sound. If it hadn't been for that damn kid she'd hired to run her errands, she wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. She had too much on her plate and didn't need another distraction to delay her next job.

She watched the puzzled look on the cashier's face as she handed the card back to her, "I'm sorry, but your balance shows zero dollars. Would you like to add funds to the card?" 

Georgia shook her head at the cashier's question and let out a frustrating sigh. She hated using a prepaid card, but cash was too risky and a prepaid card was the only way she couldn't be traced. And, she expected all of her clients to honor her prepaid request. This client hadn't, and it didn't take much knowledge to know it meant he wasn't planning on paying her for this job.

Georgia's frustration quickly turned to anger as she walked away without a word to the cashier and headed out of the store. No one bailed on payment. No one. And the teenage kid tied up in the trunk of her car was proof enough of that. She just hoped no one could smell his fresh corpse from the blasted heatwave.

She had one last stop to make before she finalized her job with the client. He would regret his greed. Then, she needed to pay a visit to the Nursing Uniforms store. She'd need a uniform to dispose of the kid's body. It would be no easy task, but it had to be done. She would have to take the body to the morgue since she couldn't very well walk into the hospital dressed as she was.

Once she disposed of the kid, she could focus on disposing of her client and move on to the next job. Or maybe she would just take a much-needed break. After all, she deserved it.

The client she was looking for worked in the Materials Manager department on the third floor of the  Hastek building. She rarely met with clients face to face unless there was a problem, and this was a problem.

She waited for his secretary to head to lunch, then slipped into his office. He wasn't there and the stack of papers that had accumulated on his desk indicated he hadn't been there for at least a week. She should have known. He'd hired someone to do his dirty work and hadn't bothered to pay up. He certainly wasn't going to just hang around.

$ 0.74
$ 0.74 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago


Is this a follow up of some story or?

It's the first time I hear third parties/customers can add funds to a debit card.

$ 0.00
3 years ago