There are a lot of days where I don't feel like doing much work. Today was one of those days. I'd been telling myself all week that I needed to hustle if I was going to have a little spending money for the holidays. Today was supposed to be the day. Instead, I decided to try out the new to me but, not so new to everyone else, tiktok app. Sadly, I found myself distracted the rest of my workday from my goals.
Truth was, I needed that big ass tiny break. I haven't had much motivation to work today at all, so I knew something was amiss. Then, I realized I had been working 7 days a week instead of the 5 I normally work and haven't given myself a variety of job tasks to keep my ADHD brain from burnout. There it was, my ah-ha moment!
But I also know there really will be times when my ADHD brain challenges me. There will be days when I won't feel like working. There will be moments when that work goal, that step, feels like it's the end of the world and all I will want to do is speed through it like the Flash.
Yet if I want to have that extra spending money for the holidays, then I'm going to need to work really hard to get there, and I mean hustle as I have never hustled before!
So now I'm wrapping up articles like this one, editing videos, and promoting my writing and art. I'm kicking butt and making money! I even got a workout in,/early this morning to keep my productivity going and make sure that I'm staying on track!
If you want to succeed, you must be self-driven or you might as well be working for someone else instead of yourself. That one brief moment of failure can empower you to achieve far more than you can ever imagine if you just allow it.
I know it's never a great feeling when you fail or make a mistake and watch an opportunity pass you by. But sometimes mistakes do happen and those failures allow us the chance to learn something. Every single mistake, every failure, is an opportunity to learn and grow. Let's grow together, shall we?
I think so too.We have to fall down if we want to get up.Everyone sometimes make mistake,do failure but as you written,we learned something from these failures.They make as wiser,stronger.We must look forward.