3 Steps to Overcoming Work From Home Burnout

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3 years ago
Topics: Work, Focus, Advice, Tips, Positive, ...

Lately, my life is in constant work mode. Some say it just goes along with the territory of working from home and building a business. Of course, to an extent they are right, but if you are stuck in work mode 24 hours a day 7 days a week, then there is a problem.

You are failing at what you had originally intended as a goal - working fewer hours at a job you love. Okay, so you already know you love your job since you are working from home, but working all of the time without any time to mentally recover from your job can cause burnout, exhaustion, stress, and other health-related issues. 

I know taking a break isn't that easy. I get it. I feel the same way. It's all too easy to get caught up with selling your products or information, hoping and praying you can beat last month's numbers so that you can have a sense of stability in your business. In the end, you find yourself working long and crazy hours that leave you anything but energetic. Then there's brainstorming new ideas to further your business and potential income which can be utterly exhausting all on its own. 

You may even start to wonder, "Is this what I really want?" "Do I really want to be in a constant state of stress?" Obviously, that's not your goal, which means something has got to give and soon!  

And while your business may be doing okay, it still has you whipped! Unfortunately, we are used to living in a constant state of fear, of "what if" that prevents us from maximizing our profits. In other words, we are just getting by. And the only way it will change is if we hunger for it. 

We know we want something different, yet we are just not sure what exactly that is or how we can turn it into a business that we can rely on. A business that we can profit from and enjoy without the added need for stress! 

Instead of letting your work take control of your life:

Take breaks often - Many of us forget that working from home is a job and should be treated as such. Do give yourself a lunch break to refuel and take a few breaks throughout your workday to recharge mentally. Yes, building your online presence and business is important, but giving your body and mind a break is just as important. Balance is the key! 

Step out of the What If zone - What ifs are nothing more than another word excuse for fear. Fear prevents us from living our life to the fullest. Be brave even if it is in baby steps, but do something new starting right now! 

Invest in Yourself - We often are so involved in building our business that we forget to invest in ourselves. Take a course, read a book, join an online group.

There are so many low cost and even free options and resources that can help improve our lives! Take advantage of those opportunities before it is too late! After all, this is your life, your future we are talking about. Take back your life and the rest will follow. Meet me there? 



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3 years ago
Topics: Work, Focus, Advice, Tips, Positive, ...


For mental and physical relaxation break is very necessary during the work. I have read and noted your suggestions and will follow. Thank you for sharing with us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm glad to hear this. Let me know how they work for you!

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3 years ago