Please Advise, What do I do??

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2 years ago

Sienna and I grew up on the same block...I Have known her since the literal day she was born because I was born on the same day and our nurses placed us adjacent to each other in the NICU. Surprisingly, we both had the same allergies during our birth and we got in and got out on same day. Not a day goes by me and her without hanging out with each other. Our parents being good friends also helped as they loved to be around each other. Everyone came to know about beautiful bond during our high school days when we both cut the same cake, holding each other's hands and everyone was so happy looking at us. Some people even called us soulmates. We used to laugh and make jokes about the same.

Sienna had some doubts in her exams while I aced my entrance tests to enter into a prestigious business college that I had been dreaming off ever since I heard about it. My father is a successful business man who runs several branches of financial institutions and one of my favorite activities while we were kids is to tag along with dad and go to his office.. While Sienna played in the kids area, I used to sneak out of the room and go into the conference halls and hide behind the presentation curtains and used to hear everything about business meetings. On one such occasion, I was caught red handed by my dad's manager as he suddenly came inside the curtain to adjust something and saw me laying low.

He called me out and my father was shocked to see me hiding inside it. I thought he was gonna yell at me but he did not. He took me close and asked me why I was there and I slowly looked at him and said how much I was interested in learning his business for which everyone laughed. My father permitted me to officially sit and learn inside the meeting room as long as I behaved and I never created chaos and actually learned so much from the meetings. By the age of finishing school, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a rich successful business person too. But Sienna used to get mad at me every time I go back from meeting room to play again with her. She says how much she is annoyed when I leave her behind.

The day of my entrance results came and as predicted, I aced them without issues and also gotten a full scholarship. My father couldn't be more proud of me and already started looking for a nice apartment for myself. Everything was going according to plan but Sienna came to my house with a pouty face as if she was about to cry..

"what's the matter dear?"

My Mom lovingly asked holding her hands and she looked at me and said "I did not go through the test, my application got rejected".. My heart exploded with sadness, oh no, poor her. I hugged her and she immediately said

"you are not going are you? you are not leaving me behind right?"

I looked at her sadly and with a confused face, I said I had to leave because learning and graduating about business is what I had been dreaming ever since i remember. Even my father patted on her shoulders saying "well you can attempt the exam again dear, who knows, this time you might ace through if you put some extra effort. you know you can always get help in education from Alex right?" (yes, my dad calls me Alex)

Sienna nodded her head but took my hand and dragged me into my room and said, "I need to talk to you, meet me at 5 today at our regular meeting spot". She looked so sad saying so and I really felt bad for her. But I was committed to take the university opportunity because we do not get chances like that again and again.. At 5, I have gotten ready and took my bicycle to go to the part near our house that I and Sienna meet regularly.. I parked the bike and looked at the usual spot that we hangout. She wasn't there.. I started to walk into the park while a pair of hands suddenly closed my eyes and I heard giggles..

"ughhh Sienna, it's you..." I said so and turned around to see my jaw dropping to floor when I saw Sienna in the most beautiful and prettiest dress I have ever seen. She was wearing a peach floor length gown that perfectly matched her pinkish skin tone. She had natural makeup going on with a pinkish tint on her lips that smiled ear to ear looking at my reaction.. Her hair was left free apart from the crown area which had some loose braid with a couple of butterfly clips through out the braid. And the real beauty laid on her gorgeous flower crown around her head...She literally looked like a gorgeous Fairy that freshly came out of the garden.. I was scanning up and down with awe while she smiled and spoke up..

"I knew you would like me like this..."

I smiled back and gasped as I said "wha??? you look stunning Sienna. But why? it's not our birthday or Halloween too. Why did you dress up so good? what's the matter?"

Sienna looked shy but also extremely tensed immediately as I saw her smile fading away, she was looking at the surroundings instead of looking at me and whenever she did, her eyes were so nervous and full of secrets. I held her hands and asked her,

"oh come on, you can tell me.. "

She looked right into my eyes and blurted out...

"I like you Alex.. every since I know you, I liked you.. In fact, over the years, I have fallen in love with you so deeply that I actually live thinking that you are my other half. I know you are leaving now and going to meet new people and make lot of new friends, but I did not want to live in a regret of not telling you this before you go. So..., I love you, so much..."

My heart started pounding, so loud I was afraid people there would hear it.. looking at my confused face, the rest of the Sienna's smile was gone.. I opened my mouth to say

"Sienna, I...why, how can we?"

She closed my mouth with her hands and spoke up..

"don't answer immediately... think about it and let me know before you go" and she ran off from that place with little tears in her eyes as if she knows what my answer would be... I quickly left the park with the biggest confused heart and mind that I ever could have and as and when I reached my house, I have gotten a phone call from Sienna's Mom saying that Sienna came crying into the house and locked herself in her room and not opening it and also she keeps bawling aloud... Her mom asked me if I knew something and I told her that I would immediately call and talk to her..

To the read cash users now:

This is the point where I ask your help you guys.. what should I do now? I really seriously do not know what do I do without hurting her more. I would be leaving to my college in a couple of days and what if Sienna hurts herself because of me?? I would really be devastated if anything happens to her but at the same time, I have always seen her as my best friend and with no other feelings... Please please do advise me, what is my solution?

AND HEYYYY, before you say something, My full name is Alexis... yes, I'm a girl, who is straight and likes boys... just letting you know beforehand :) Can't wait for your advice guys!!

That's all for now guys, go help our Story's heroine Alexis and also save Sienna guys... I'm so keen to see what ya'll come up with :)

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$ 0.91 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Theblackdoll
2 years ago


As I have known you are married to your husband and you have a beautiful child. Then how come this question out of blue? And, therefore, i am not answering some hypothetical questions.

By the way if my best friends comes to me and says I love you which will definitely makes him gay, i would beat the hell out of him. Really. I will slapp him the number he never have received in his life yet so far.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You did not understand this is a story and has nothing to do with me?? hahahhaa.. that is why you need to read posts fully :p :p

and why beating a friend? just coz they love you? that's bad

$ 0.00
2 years ago

actually I read the whole story, but maybe I miss the line where you would have mentioned that it is a story. or I think you did not mention it anywhere in your story that it is a story. That is why I also was amazed to see the comment of ellawrites because she commented that it is a beautiful story and I was like I DID NOT SEE ANYWHERE WHERE IT IS WRITTEN IT IS A STORY

and also that was humorous reply you didn't get that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Read the diclaimer below at the end where I mentioned in subtitle "To the read cash viewers".. and I DID MENTION in the story that I wrote the story from the point of the character Alexis.. It is self explanatory

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am sorry, I really missed the last line. I feel stupid now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't worry about that, it happens :) Have a good day

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish you a cheerful day blackdoll) thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a beautiful story dear doll, aaah... I'm quite speechless, but it seems you don't have a slightest feeling for Sienna apart from the friendship bond you both share?... That's hurtful though, but I still feel you should voice out before you travel out or before you go to school.... Do tell her your feelings, if you would love to just remain and stick as friends with her, don't worry I trust she'll get over it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah sure, must kindly tell her that Alex is not a lesbian and she's straight

$ 0.00
2 years ago