You can enter P2P Economy via BCH

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Avatar for TheEmpress
3 years ago

My problem for the longest time in getting projects off the ground was that getting domain names and basic hosting cost a bunch of money and took a long time. I also always had to hand over a lot of personal information or pay a lot extra for privacy services.

I always wished someone would make it much simpler and accept BCH for this purpose which would allow me to grab domains as I needed and scale projects up over time.

Due to the Bitcoin Cash community I found a wonderful merchant that not only accepts BCH but also made everything intuitive and included all the bells and whistles I needed right from the start.

I will use this knowledge to demonstrate how to easily participate in the peer to peer economy of the future using Bitcoin Cash. Or give you the ability to build a simple site to help bring more people to adopt Bitcoin Cash.

You can do all this in very little time, regardless of where you live. Any person in the world can do this easily, quickly and safely. Following the steps of this article you can begin with only o.002 BCH to establish a way to earn more BCH , to start a simple project to support the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem, to blog about your experiences or build a small portfolio linking your different profiles and sites together.

Since I already had a little BCH ready to go I did it several times to get several projects off the ground as today is my last day off work for the next week. This saved me countless of hours for the next few weeks allowing me more time to work on the projects themselves.

Step 1: (If you have almost no BCH)

Join Noise.Cash and start posting quality content or make good comments to people's posts there. This is easy and it takes only a few days to get yourself established there as long as you follow the rules and write good posts. You can post in any language and on any topic, yet please always make it quality content.

I'll do a lot more coaching in the future of how you can make the best of Noise.Cash. I wasn't known in the community before coming to Noise and I became very successful in only a few months of time due to continuous effort and giving value back to the platform in the form of great content. For now I have a basic article here to help you out that I will link at the bottom of this one.

In this time of gathering up BCH you can start thinking of what you wish to sell, what service you want to offer down the road or what you wish to do with the blog and site you'll be building on your soon to be new domain.

Anyone can do anything they want, as this is the economy of the future!

Now is also the time to check out which domain you might like to own and to see if it's available. Go to Epik and put in a few name ideas to see what is available. Yeah I stayed up all night last night to do this, but it was worth it as I found the ones I needed.

If you already have a little bit of BCH and know what you want to do with your site then you're good to go and you can proceed immediately to step 2.

Step 2:

Get a domain and pay for it with Bitcoin Cash. Via you can get a domain cheap and easily with BCH to get yourself out on the web for more people to see what you're about, or to showcase your service or product. It can be done very fast, unlike other hosting companies it doesn't take days for your new Domain to work. With everyone else I had to wait 48 hours for me to do anything with my new domain, with Epik I was up and running in mere minutes!

Almost all domains with the ending with .co and .xyz are only 99 cents for the first year, so that's about 0.002 BCH. That amount of BCH is easy to earn or purchase, even if you don't have a lot of money you can still participate.

They also have the coveted .Cash domains and other cool ones too so you're not limited if you have a little more BCH to use for it. But since this article focuses on starting something with Bitcoin Cash for very cheap I offer the simplest and best options for doing everything on a tight budget.

I picked a couple of .co domains to get started. What better way to show that this works by using it myself. I always test before I recommend something to others.

Paying is very simple, you send them the BCH via the requested method and wait for one confirmation. Then your new domain will be in your account at Epik. This whole process will likely take 10 - 40 minutes depending on how fast the miners mine the next block.

  • Enter your desired domain name.

  • Click on "Add to Cart" for the one you want.

  • Then go to "Checkout."

  • Next pick "Other Crypto"

  • Then you'll see Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin listed, click "Show More"

  • Select "Bitcoin Cash"

  • It will show you a wallet and a QR code and a cost for your invoice.

  • Do not close that window with the code, it may be a one time code

  • Go to your wallet and pay the amount, to the address given.

  • Wait for the confirmation.

  • Then other invoice window will show "Your Order has been accepted"

  • Your domain will now be in your Epik account.

Step 3:

Host a simple Wordpress blog on your new domain. Use it to explain what you're trying to do. Post your BCH address, contact information (say a account or an email address) and what services you're offering to people. Showcase your NFTs or talk about your experiences with the markets. Or simply blog about any topic you wish. It's your site so have fun with it. The possibilities are endless so feel free to express yourself and use it to benefit the Bitcoin Cash community and spread awareness further.

See the picture below to see how to activate your new blog for free.

Be aware this takes another few minutes and your log in information is sent to your email, so make sure you have a verified email on your Epik account.

Click on "Build" then "Create Blog" to do it for free. It's basic, but it gets you started in minutes.

Step 4:

Start your blog. Your options are limited with the free site but it works for most small projects or blogs. Creativity will get you much further and a little coding ability will make it even better. Remember, you can always scale up if needed.

For instance if you want to be an virtual assistant, offer translation services, or even consulting in something mention this. Give your qualifications and set some rates in BCH. Include your BCH address, your profiles or places where they can read more of your posts and articles. You can also blog about stuff there. Or perhaps you have information products to sell or are planning to sell physical goods that you'll ship to people if you're well known enough.

The options are limitless, yet please make sure you're always honest with people in regards to your qualifications or what stuff you want to do so they know that you're legit as this is the only way how we can succeed in making a true Peer to Peer decentralized economy. You're the bank and the middle man, so be sure to represent everything in a good way and network with people via other social media channels and the BCH community to see who would be interested in what you're posting about.

Through Epik you can create a basic blog site for free; that means to get your foot into the door it's only 0.002 BCH. The site and domain is not fancy if you're used to doing really technical and heavy custom coded site, but it'll do the trick when you're first starting. You can use Pixabay and Unsplash for pictures or take some yourself. If you need to turn them into graphics you can use Canva. All those resources are free too; I use all three regularly.

Step 5:

Answer your communications, keep working on your site, accept BCH for anything you want and it's all completely decentralized. Don't forget to renew when it's due and if you need to upgrade to full hosting you can always do that at any time. I believe it starts at about 10 dollars per month. Yet for most simple things, the free site will work just fine. If you need a full payment processor, Prompt.Cash has a great one that can let you accept BCH and SLP tokens. The community may have more resources I don't know about, so look around.

But with this way and by using Bitcoin Cash there is no long waiting times. There are no middle men and no banks. There's almost no way for anyone to interfere with you being a part of the global economy.

You can post about almost anything you want even if your country isn't completely crypto friendly, as the site is pretty anonymous and the means to earn a basic amount of BCH is possible regardless of where you live.

Here are the relevant links to help you out:

This isn't of course perfect, but it's a simple way how anyone can enter the global economy or build a site to support Bitcoin Cash adoption. I've used it four times already today to get a few of my projects better off the ground for pennies.

  • - Konra token blog showcasing BCH usefulness as well as sharing basic information about Konra.

  • - A place for newbie information for Bitcoin Cash. Yep, that'll all go here. Including links to my best posts and articles and the cool stuff.

  • - Here I can link all my accounts, offer simple consulting and can showcase graphics I make.

  • - This will become a decentralized marketing campaign for Bitcoin Cash.

They're not all fully built yet, but they're all mine and functioning. In the next two weeks I'll add more information to all of them and make them look much more beautiful. Then when I start the relevant projects I'll show them off more.

It'll be super easy to build the sites and keep them up to date even with all the work I'm doing lately as the whole system is so simple and intuitive. And since everything is powered by BCH so I never have to worry about touching fiat to do anything with any of these domains and my privacy is always protected.

My total cost for getting set up with this all?

Money: 0.008 BCH ($4.00)

Time: About 3 hours

Isn't Bitcoin Cash awesome?

Imagine, billions of people can use this method to get into the decentralized economy via BCH in just a few hours of time. Send them to my article to learn how to do it with ease.

Thank you for reading and I want to thank all my sponsors.

$ 2.75
$ 2.50 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @FarmGirl
$ 0.10 from @CoquiCoin
+ 1
Sponsors of TheEmpress
Avatar for TheEmpress
3 years ago


Thank you for the information. It´s great to know about a company where you can buy domains and hosting paying with BCH. Goold luck with all projects. By the way, some days ago, I've sent you a sponsorship request. But it's still pending. I know you are been very busy, but take a look at it as soon as you can. Cheers!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm new to crypto world, especially the BCH community. I've learnt quite a few things about BCH, which you can read from here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Awesome article, I love how you broke down the benefits of Bitcoin Cash and what makes it true to Satoshi's vision for Humanity.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

That sounds interesting and simple too! I might try it later today. Thank you for this😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Please let me know how it goes for you. I want to empower everyone and show the true power of BCH for the long term for all of us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I will after I'll try. Thank you :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago