Summer is (finally) coming!

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2 years ago
Topics: Blog, Club1BCH, Life

We had a great start with some beautiful weeks early in May but after that the weather here went North, with lots of rain. And with lots I do mean lots. The problems was also that this rain came after a period of drought, which means that it is was hard for the earth to absorb the rain. And water does always find a way.

But by the looks of it, some great summer weather is heading into our direction. So, by the looks of it, I finished the swimming pool just in time. During the weekend I did connect the last hoses, so now the heat balls on the top of the roof of the lounge can do their work.

But these temperatures aren't great for everybody. My oldest son does start with his exams on Thursday, so in stead of enjoying the weather he will be forced to study. But hey, that's only one week after which he has a 2 month school holiday, I kid you not. 2 months!!!!! I do hope that we also do get some of this weather in July and August but time will tell.

Will have to make sure that I do work hard enough during the days so that I also can enjoy the swimming pool myself.



$ 0.39
$ 0.37 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @DennMarc
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Avatar for TheCryptoGambler
2 years ago
Topics: Blog, Club1BCH, Life


It's raining season here, but we still feel like we are summer season. So hot and sweaty all day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do live in Belgium, so we more or less have a raining season which does last around 12 months :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago