Some strange covid restrictions here in Belgium!

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2 years ago

I know it is hard to govern a country for sure during this Covid pandemic. There are some many things a government has to take into account when announcing restrictions or rules.

The easiest way looks like a complete lock down, but that has many negative side affects, from the mental health of the population up to a immense negative return on the economy. On the other side each death of a person also does cost the government lots of money.

Besides that people are really fed up with all regulations and restrictions. While I can relate to that, I do think that still restrictions are needed to save some lives.

Regardless of that there are some restrictions which don't really have a great foundation.

In Belgium the government did announce lots of new restriction of week or 2 ago, but lots of sectors which were hurt did go to the supreme court. Of course every sector is fighting for their survival.

First the culture sector did win their appeal and now of course multiple sectors are filling complaints.

Here are some strange things:

  • No spectators are allowed at football games, nor professional nor amateur games. But I am allowed to go the canteen of a football club, which does belong to the catering industry. So, I am not allowed to stand aside the line of the field but I am allowed to sit down in the canteen without a mouth mask. Strange isn't!

  • While my favorite pub is a pool/snooker pub. We normally go there 2 or 3 times a week! Always with the same group. With 4 on Tuesday and mostly 3 on other days. Now the new restrictions do forbid to play pub games like snooker, pool, darts and so on. Due to the fact that this pub also has a rather big pub area he decided to stay open. So in stead of shooting some pool with the 4 of us we can sit at a table without together without wearing mouth masks. So we decided to play some cards. We also could have decided not to go there, but it is our men's night out.
    Of course there is a bigger chance on contamination when sitting together at a table than standing around a pool table, there is just less distance between us.

There are many restrictions which do have a strange twist, but like I wrote it is easy to have critics on a restriction or rule, than to set it up!



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2 years ago


The new normal is not normal. It's mass formation psychosis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha yeah I think many rules have become a bit odd, but at least you can do things! We have been bored and locked in our houses again!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I still do think that it was a wise and brave decision to force a new lockdown in the Netherlands. But agree that it isn't funny at all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah we'll see how it works out, just happy the schools can open again. I hated teaching from home!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's frustrating for sure, all these restrictions makes things boring though they aren't any rules coz the covid case is very lesser in my country.... If I were in your shoes I won't actually bother coz am a loner so I prefer staying indoor with my phone as long as I have internet, but still its frustrating that I can't play my favorite sport... Hopefully things go back to normal

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks! We have to take it like it is. Nothing we can do about it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God will surely help and turn things around

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm sure anyone will find some of these restrictions conflicting but the government can not take such specific consideration. They are a little bit more general and as a result, it will always be that way

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For sure it is hard and they can't directly oversee the results of the restrictions combined.

$ 0.00
2 years ago