Eek! The kids want a dog!

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1 year ago
Topics: Dogs, Life, Blog, Animals

No football today at the World Cup, We will have to wait until Friday for the next game. So since a long time no football or sports betting related post.
I had so many ideas to write about. Like:

  • In which crypto should one invest?

  • My great adventure on my favorite BTC faucet, Where I am trying to accumulate 1 BTC. Not that this even will happen but I do have completed 0.5% of my challenge :)

  • Being the parent of a teenager. Phew, can tell you that this is a tough job.

  • Or the fact that I have more fiat investment into crypto then I did think.

But I decided to write about the fact that our kids want a dog.
My oldest sister has some chiwawas. And last week one of them gave birth to 3 puppies. For some reason or the other, this did trigger something for the oldest son. The youngest one quickly jumped onto the wagon. They already do have a name for him/here: Rex or Rexxie!

First let me explain that I don't have anything against dogs. Not at all. When I was born, my parents had a dog. A maltese lion dog. Not as big as the name suggests :) Around the age of 7 or 8, I did get a cat. Tapke was his name and he was my big friend. Around the age of 14, a golden retriever joined the family.
I even had my own dog. When I started to work, but still lived with my parents, we did find a puppy. We did think that it would grew up as a Berner Senner, but it appear to be a mixture or races. Due to the fact I did still did live with my parents, to had to agree to keep the dog, which they did. When I did move out to an appartement they wanted to keep the dog at their house, which was the smartest decision.
So, yes I did grew up with dogs. But having a dog as a kid, is something completely different as having a dog as adult/parent.

When you still are a kid, you do feel responsible for the dog/cat, but actually your parent are to ones who do have the full responsibility. They will walk them when you don't want to. They do buy the food and feed them if you don't want to. And so on.

So my problems.

First, let's start with an opinion! An opinion which probably isn't very popular. To be honest I do see a chiwawa as a dog. I do see it more as a big rat which does bark! Yes they can be sweet, but they are also nasty. I haven been thinking about a dog during the covid pandemic. But when I do think about a dog, I do mean dog. In the sort of a Husky, a Berner Senner, a German sheperd and so on. Those are dogs for me. If my sister would had some of those races, it would have been a tougher decision.

Secondly, we do have 2 cats at home. One shelter cat and one British Shorthair. The showcat is a real hunter. Catching and eating mouse and rats on a daily basis. Yes both cats are allowed to go outside when they do desire. No reason to keep cats inside the house when you do have the place. We prefer to let the cats be cats, regardless of breed or costing price. How would they react on a dog in house?
Would Ninja see the Chiwawa as some fresh food? He does catch rats bigger than a Chiwawa!

We also did tell the boys that if, and this is an IF, a dog will be joining the family. That they should take care of him. Walking around the block, washing him, feeding, etc... . Also time have changed, so these days when you do walk a dog you do have a poop bag with you and clean up the mess. This of course does decrease the interest.
Also they do need to help to put up some extra fences around the house, so that the dog/rat can't escape!

Also we do love a city trip from time to time. What should we do then with the dog? I don't want to take it with us! No way!

So, while I am found on the idea of having a dog. We just don't have the time for it. And again, if will, please let it be a dog!!!!


$ 0.32
$ 0.30 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @FarmGirl
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Avatar for TheCryptoGambler
1 year ago
Topics: Dogs, Life, Blog, Animals


Kids seem to love pets but not the responsibilities that come along with it :) Hope you will get a dog of your liking :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Probably no dog at all. On Friday we have a visit planned to my sister. This could increase the desire of the kids for a dog or can kill mine willingness to have one :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I shall wish you all the best :) I was also considering to have a dog but the husband challenges me whether I'm committed til the end. It gave me second thoughts, lol

$ 0.00
1 year ago