Crypto Portfolio overview April 2022

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2 years ago

Long time ago that I did write an update about my crypto portfolio, so a new update is due.
During April I was mainly focused by finding way to convert crypto into real life cash. So the growth of my portfolio was minimal. Still pretty satisfied with the results.
Maybe the biggest change was the switch to a new crypto broker, to function as gateway between real life and virtual life. Bitvavo is my preferred broker since now:
If you do live in Europe, feel free to look into it and see it is cheaper than the one you are using at the moment.


While inflation is starting to hit us harder each month in real life, the crypto markets also did feel this pain and went South.
I did try to to fight the decline in value but did end up with a decrease in overall value of 1.19%. On the positive side the potential value of the portfolio did increase with 16.68%.

Share pie

The top 3 coins do have a combined share of 64% in my portfolio which is something I al trying to change. KCS still has the major share, but I am almost completed with accumulating them. The end point is around 400 KCS.
Hive is firmly second with a share of 20.52%. I did invest some profit into Hive because I would like to have 10K Hive at the end of the year. So it is a step by step process. The holdings of Hive did increase with 16%.
The BTC holdings only did increase with 3%, but still very happy with that.


I also did add 3 new tokens to the portfolio. Tho are re-entries, while the third one I never had before this month.
I started to accumulate Wink and Live again, trying to build a decent passive income, together with BFG of course.

The real new one is Cronos.


During May the main focus will still be the conversion into Fiat, but it will get a lesser share compared to April.
It would be great to reach my 400 KCS goal and maybe also will finish the accumulation of NEO.
The Cronos holdings would have to reach $400.

Besides that Hive will get the attention they do deserve and will try to increase the stakes in BFG, WINK and LIVE so that the passive income will start to have some effect.

Also great that does work again on the work laptop, meaning that I can engage more again and write some articles again.


$ 1.02
$ 1.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago
