Belgian cup betting advice!

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1 year ago
Topics: Sports, Hobby, Football

The new World Champions has been crowned only 2 days ago and it is already back to business for the clubs. Strange, strange, strange. But to be honest, I am not complain
Finally again more games to chose from. Games, which I hopefully can better predict.

In Belgium they do start with cup games. 5 today and 3 tomorrow.

I decided to place 2 bets. I did want to move them all to one ticket, but don't want to start with a too big risk.

The bets

I decided to create one ticket with home dogs. I know that it is the cup and anything can happen in a cup game. But the teams did had a lot of time to prepare this game, so I don't expect any upsets.

In the other ticket, 2 over games are expected. Always lot's of drama between Leuven and Kortrijk. In the other game, Union could be considered a home dog also, but the odds for a home win were just too low to bet on. But always plenty of goals when Union plays at home and Oostende is exactly know for their sturdy defense!

As usual, when I do play 2 tickets, one winner is enough for a profit.

All bets are placed using this bookie!

Good luck,

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$ 0.01 from @jmehta
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Avatar for TheCryptoGambler
1 year ago
Topics: Sports, Hobby, Football


I really don't know what to expect with the domestic leagues post world cup. I believe there will be some upsets across Europe.

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1 year ago