This thing called LOVE?

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Avatar for ThatRealGuy
2 years ago

What is love? does love exist?

Happy Valentine Guys!!! hope your day is going great! I just wonna talk about something that has been on my mind for quite a while!

Image credit::: unsplash


In my room one day, we got talking about the subject matter - *Love, and then quietly I sat observing the different contributions from my roommates. Some said "does that thing exist?", "nah that thing is biological", "It does not last long, just some weeks and it's over!" , "It always end in tears or heart breaks"

"Well well well ..." I said joining the conversation, "I don't totally agree with all you have said because while you might be right from your own perspectives, these are not the true definitions of LOVE!".

Experiences shapes our perspectives and definitions about things so I could not blame them totally. These comments I received were from guys and I wonder what ladies would have to say.

Firstly I would say that Love is Soulical - meaning it is of the soul. The soul of man has it it emotions, intellect and hunger. When we are hungry and desire to eat something, we are not just feeding our bodies but Soul. So to Love is a requirement of the Soul!

Love is of God!

Now, since I have justified that love is a function of the soul and all man since we are souls have that desire to Love, then Love must be of God. GOD is love - remember!

Now if Love is of God, then we know that it is true.

Love is a strong attraction that is more about how much you are willing to sacrifice than receive!

This is the most reasonable definition I have found for it. Why do you think Love is not Logical? It is because it is not based on give or take! If love was logical, then programmers would have done a great job in making robots LOVE!!!

So the strong attraction >>> Soulical cannot be defeated because it is a requirement to Love. When I mean love, it could be romantic or just platonic. But then since today is Val-Day, let's talk about the Val-Love( lover's love) hahaha!

So many people having heart breaks because they thought they were in love or should I use the popular phrase - 'Fell in Love'

The fact is True Love is organic, Love grows and it is all about how much you are willing to sacrifice! always about this, never forget!

Conclusively, I will love to add that L.O.V.E is a responsibility.


I ll use the example of superman do explain this. So remember superman, the powerful guy in his blue and red suit. He has great ability and with that comes great responsibility. What responsibility? to save the world from harm!

Resident in you - your soul, is the ability to Love, but there comes a responsibility, which is sacrifice , building-healthy relationships, character formation and many more that hold the pillars of love straight.

Trust me, You gonna find true love someday!

$ 0.42
$ 0.40 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @James2k21
Avatar for ThatRealGuy
2 years ago


I agree! The best definition of love is God. Anyways, nice meeting you here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah boss

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Love is really a cool one especially when you find your perfect match, that makes it very much nice

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah truly said! The right one! Sorry for the late reply tho

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Super cool

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks bruv

$ 0.00
2 years ago