My Motivation to keep going.

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2 years ago

Hello, there. My newfound family here in read. How's your life? What's new? What's the update? Is your goal being achieved? How about an achievement?

These questions above are common to hear from anyone. It is just a query to hear from. Well, it's not a big deal. We can answer them anyway.

Today, I woke up at 2:30 AM. It is kinda too early. Right? Since I am not feeling sleepy and I can't sleep back to bed. I decided to write my entry today.Hehehe😁

So, as I woke up. I quickly got my phone beside my husband because we have an agreement that when evening comes around 7 PM, he is the one who will use my phone since his phone is not working well anymore. The screen is already broken. That is why I planned to buy a new phone for myself and this one I used now is for him. I feel pity for him every time I saw his phone has cracked on the screen and the power button is already damaged too. Hehehe and the phone itself has not had enough storage because it is just a cheap kind of phone. So, we don't know, if I can accumulate $100, I will surely buy a new one. 😁 okay, so much for that it is not my content to write about. Lol. 😁

Above all that happened in my life. As a first-time mom, I can't deny that I have something within me that I can't express to someone. I only keep it in my mind and my heart. Since I am a mother, I am here to stay at home to take care of my baby who is just months old. So, I have this in my inner self thinking what would be my counterpart to my husband as he is the one who is just working for us for our daily needs. He is the one who strives harder to meet what we need especially for our baby. I got to realize that I have to take my part as a partner in pushing through life. But how? How can I make it when I am just at home as a babysitter to our daughter? Hays! It is really hard to decide most especially since I am also a breastfeeding mom to my little one. I can't leave her for work. I can't do it because she needs me. She needs my milk. 😟

So, I decided to work anyway next year if she turns one already and can walk so that it would not be hard to babysit if I will leave her to her aunts or Lolo's and Lola's soon. If given a chance to have a job next year, then that would be my new blessing for that year. That would be my starting point for my goal. So, I need to keep going for them. πŸ‘‡

My daughter

The moment that she came into our life with my husband, I have this motivation to keep going no matter what. To keep going to supply everything for her. To give what she wanted and what makes her happy. It is my pleasure and joy to see her happy every time I give something. Just like now even if she is just a 10month old, every time I give her food. She smiles back at me. Maybe that is her way of saying thank you. With that, I feel so much happiness within. I am overwhelmed by her smile. 😊

My husband

Ever since we got married, he's the one who shoulders everything in our little family. From the time I was still on my pregnancy journey until this moment that we have already a baby, he's the one who provides everything. Our basic needs. That's why I am beyond grateful to God for giving me such a hardworking and responsible husband. Being a responsible man is enough for me. I am not dreaming that one day we will be wealthy or have lots of money in our wallets. What I dreamed of is to have a happy family and a peaceful life with God of course. Seeing them happy is sufficient for me. I am already on cloud nine. 😁

So, since my husband is only the one working, I decide to work as his partner to help raise our daily needs. And also, since I am the one who has a bachelor's degree, I will use this for my family. For our prosperity. For our future. If blessed enough next year, then I will keep going. πŸ’ͺ

My mother

My mother is already a senior citizen, she is 71 years old. Yes, she's old but still able to work especially in terms of farming. She loves doing so in the land. Like sowing root crops. It is her stress reliever. We, as her children, don't like that she still working on land because she's already old. But she is hard-headed. She doesn't listen to us. Instead, she continued what she love to do. So, we just let her do it but we also make sure for her safety and protection.

As a daughter, I have this desire to give her needs. Her maintenance such medicines and milk. But I can't give it now because I have no job. That's why I am eager to have a job next year for her as well. I love her. I love my mom so much. I can't afford to lose her. 😟So, I will not stop to keep going. To keep moving. πŸ’ͺ

As a mother, wife, and daughter, I have a heart and longing to help them. To raise them for what they deserve. They are my motivation why I need to keep harder for my goals and dreams. To make it into reality. And I will do that with the help of our God. With His favor, blessing, and provision. πŸ‘†πŸ™

I hope I make you inspire this simple yet from the heart content. πŸ˜˜πŸ™ƒ

That would be all for today. Thank you for reading and dropping by. God bless you. Shalom!

        November 18, 2021
        Thania05 πŸ“πŸ‘ŒπŸ’°
        BCH DREAMERπŸ€‘

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2 years ago


I got you sis. I had the leave my career behind after giving birth to my son. Motherhood is a tough experience, especially for a first-time mom. You are doing great and you will be. Don't worry too much. Life changes and sometimes changes for good. I hope you will find the right path, keep believing.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, you are right sis. Thank you for your concern. I appreciate it. God bless you sis. πŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am certain your family will be excited to read this article because, in a nutshell, you have talked about how much they drive you to be successful.

I admire the fact that you see a reason to support your family, that's not something that you see every day among women. I pray every good thing you desire comes to reality.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you sir. I appreciate your feedback. ,😊 God bless you sir. πŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Go for it momsh! family is my motivation too that'swhy I keep on striving and working hard to give them a good life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's normal to feel that way, specially that this time I can't help them yet. But it's okay, don't stress yourself, once everything is okay, you can start to find a job so you can be able help them too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Family is the one who really motivates us to keep going despite of all trials in our life,we can still have a reason to continue .

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, the number reason indeed. They inspired and motivates us to keep going. 😊 God bless you po.πŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's actually a very common occurrence in my country to see senior citizens working in the farm against the better judgement of their loved ones. It seem to be their way of staying youthful

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, that's true. It is their sort of exercise as well. 😊 God bless you. πŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same here, my family is my motivation. They are the reason why I am still here standing firm and keeping on dreaming. Aside from God, they are my next source of strength.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That is true. That is whg we nver get tired of keep going because everything we do is for their betterment. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago