2 Celebrants in 1 day: food is real!

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2 years ago

Hello, read cash family. How are you? I am very sorry for being absent for three days because I was busy then. The reason was, last 2 days December 8, 2021, my older sister and her two kids came home from Manila and I was busy then welcome her and had "Chika overload" right away. They chose to spend their Christmas with us here in our province since it's already 2 years since they had their last vacation. It was the year 2019. It was my wedding day. This Christmas, we will be able to celebrate it as a complete family because our eldest sister as well will going to spend her Christmas also with us. I am excited. πŸ‘ we were very much glad that our LGU released a new executive order that those newly arrived home from other places, don't need to do a quarantine as long as they are fully vaccinated and had no symptoms. They are free to stroll around the place. πŸ‘πŸ˜„

The other reason also why I was inactive is because my daughter who is 11months old knows already how to walk and I can't just sit and just look at her. Since I am the mother, I have to guide her in her steps also, I need to watch for everything she picks up to avoid incidents especially the tiny things because what if she accidentally swallow it and choked. So, I need to double my assistance just for her. And in the evening, I felt tired of what I did for the whole day for my daughter, so I rested earlier around 8 p.m. I am already asleep at that time. So, please understand me and I thank you for that. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ So much for that. I am about to start the main content which is obviously on the title itself. Lol. 😁

December 8, 2021, the two celebrants celebrate their natal day on the same day. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

The first person is my sweet and smart niece. She just turned 4 years old at that time. Her theme for her birthday was a mermaid because she loves swimming and also I think she loves mermaids too even if I don't believe in mermaids. Hahaha, I don't think so if they truly exist. HeheheπŸ˜„

The celebration went very well. The superb food was so much enough for all of us her family both sides. (By the way, the celebrant is the daughter of my brother. Thanks to God that he was able to celebrate with her daughter as he is a seaman. And we all know that few seafarers only can have the time to celebrate and witness their family's milestones every year. So, it happened that my brother was able to do so. It was a favor from God. πŸ™)

The birthday was held on a very well-known tourist spot in our Locality which is called "BANAHAW SPRING RESORT". (It took 15 minutes ride only from our house.)

As you can see, the water is very peaceful and clear. Well clean. The water there is cold. If you are about to dip in the water, don't get surprised if you react at first but in the long run, you will enjoy it later. πŸ˜„

We have extremely enjoyed the party. It went so satisfactorily for all of us there. Our tummies were full of the foods prepared by the family and the swimming time was so much fun even in the afternoon the rain pours. But, the rain didn't stop our enjoyment.😁 We went home about 4 pm. πŸ™

The second person who celebrates her natal day was the niece of my husband who just turned 10 years old that day. The celebration was held only at their residence.

The celebrant. πŸ™‚

After we celebrated my niece's birthday, we head to the place of my husband where the other celebration was happening. It took only 5 minutes from the BANAHAW SPRING. It's just a neighbor barangay, so that's why we arrived there earlier than the call time. Hehe.

As we were there, we were welcomed by the celebrant's family and took away my daughter since they saw her seldom only. So, they were happy to see my daughter. Good thing that my baby is friendly. She doesn't cry even if she saw them once in a Blue Moon only. Lol πŸ˜†

All the senior citizens there as her Lolo's and Lola's were extremely happy seeing my daughter. They had so much fun. 😊

We took our early dinner for the reason that it had bad weather. The food was heavy as well. Our tummies were full again. Lol😁

The sad part that time was that we need to go home even if it rains. But we waited for the rain to stop at some moment and start traveling head to our house. We need to travel for 15 - 20 minutes since we only used a motorcycle. Thanks to God also that the rain stops. As we started traveling, we need to stop at some corner to find a shade to drop by because the rain pours again and my daughter was with me. I carried her while holding the umbrella. Hays πŸ˜–. It's really difficult to travel if you have a baby with you especially if it rains. But then, we need to go home. We need to rest for we were already tired as well. We safely arrived home at 8 pm. Thanks to God for the protection and safety. πŸ™

Ending thoughts:

It's been a long day with us together with my husband because of the happenings of the day. We celebrated the two celebrants as a sign of respect and because we love them as well. So, even if our body was tired that day, we had a good time. The happiness we felt during that time was priceless. It can't be bought anywhere. 😊

That would be all I can share. Please do excuse my English construction because I wrote this at dawn today. 😁 I am still sleepy especially since it rains all over again. πŸ˜…

Thank you for reading and dropping by. God bless us all. Shalom! πŸ™πŸ˜‡

Date published: December 10, 2021
Blessed Author: Thania05 πŸ“
          BCH DREAMER πŸ€‘

All photos are mine except for the lead image got from https://unsplash.com/photos/18N4okmWccM

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$ 1.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Thania05
2 years ago


Belated happy birthday po sa inyo☺️, ganda nag venue lalo na sa tunig napaka linaw at sana na enjoy niyo ang araw na yan☺️☺️ By the way I'm Newbie here☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Belated Happy Birthday sa kanilang dalawa... Ba't walang up close picture nang mga foods.. Haha.. But anyways, ok din yun para di ako magutom.. Pero, yung nakabalot talaga eh..😍 By the way, nice ang resort sis..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hehehe hindi ko na picturan isa2x sis kasi nakakgutom na hehehehe bstat busog kami lahat. Heheeh 😁

Oo magnda dun sis.. Masarap dun kung summet talaga kasi malamig ung tubig.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Belated happy birthday sa dalawang celebrant sis.. anyway ang ganda ng resorts sis.🀩

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sis. Oo sis maganda at napakalamig ng tubig. Galing na nature talaga.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a lovely one… happy celebration and maybe save some of the surprises for me. I would love to have a taste of the excitement… I wish your daughter and the other little princess, both princesses; An age filled with grace and favour and also good health…

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wow thank you for your warm greetings and wishes for the babys. I appreciate it .. God bless you sir. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes talaga sis .. Ang hirap ... Lalo na kung umuulan . Slamat sis. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happiest birthday to them,ang hirap talaga pag may dalang baby lalo na kung naka motor lang but thanks God you are all safe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago