Peace of mind

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2 years ago

There is so much peace in doing good and having a clear conscience.

Things gets relaxing and calm if you have a clear mind.

By clear mind it doesn't necessarily mean you did something bad .

On the contrary,it could mean having alit of things I n your mind.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to being a toddler. Where you only eat ,sleep with zero worries. Everything is just easy.

But when responsiblity hits one , worries arise .it's why most of my age group tend to have H.B.P. To much worries to many problems.

So how do we work on having peace?

How do we become relaxed?I mean it's not like we can control everything from happening.

Well some can be prevented and that's why I'm going. Try to always be positive no matter the situation and have a strategy to make you feel better.

I discovered a hidden remedy for everyone in distress. And guess what it is?

Music! Soul music! classic music! All kinds of music. Depends on your mood ,it will determine your genre of music.

There's this relief and peace it gives you.

It connects to your mind especially if its something that relates to your situation ,a positive heads up. Music heals most wounds .

I think that's why music can never run out of market. I guess that's why it's easy to become a star via music especially if you have good music , good sponsors and fans will be massive.

Everyone has their favorite celebrity and for different reasons. Basically I just like listening to lovey music when I wanted to be reminded that I am loved and I can get through everything I might be facing.

Because at the end ,I can't kill myself.we are all running our individual race. And if 70% of the problem is money. At the end,we will all go back someday to our creator. So my belief is why not do what reliefs the stress ? Be healthy , sleep,eat well and worry less.

It's why I get upset when there is no time to relax and connect with music to make me feel better.

I don't joke with my leisure time so I can also take care of myself,you know do what makes me happy

So dear friends be positive, do what makes you happy. A friend of mine finds joy in visiting people which I find funny an exhausting...but that's her way and who I'm I to questioned what makes her happy.

This generation I see alot of setbacks and at a very young age they are angry , depressed and all.

Try to embrace happiness.and if your happiness is music... welcome to the club of music lovers .

Then now, I will just summarize my writing by telling

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @Nuella
Avatar for Tesse
Written by
2 years ago
