Why Lazy ?

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1 year ago

Actually in every human soul there must be a sense of laziness, but only how that person responds to their own laziness. Sometimes lazing is also necessary, because we can't lie, our bodies sometimes need really enough rest.

However, only to the extent that it is sufficient is not excessive. Laziness is usually caused by a lack of motivation to do something.

"One of the cruelest stunts in life is to allow a bright mind to become a slave to a lazy body, which prioritizes rest before fatigue." Buya Hamka.

It cannot be eliminated that everyone or anyone in this world has ever felt lazy because it is basically human nature. Laziness can also be triggered by the environment, causing a feeling of laziness.

There are several things that cause laziness:

1.Too much sugar consumption.

2. Lack of drinking water.

3. Rarely exercise.

4. Factors sleep is not quality.

There are so many causes of laziness so that it interferes with activities in daily life both at school and in the surrounding environment so that people live a life that is not of quality. A person who has a sense of laziness in his life becomes unproductive so that he is stuck on an uncertain quality. The body feels sluggish, enthusiasm and passion decrease, ideas do not flow.

Causing humans to be unable to move. In today's era feeling lazy or lazy behavior is very detrimental. Because, in this era humans are competing to achieve their dreams so that those who are lazy will be left behind from their dreams.

Currently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, children are required to study at home. So that it creates a sense of laziness to learn, many children are lazy to do schoolwork and make parents do their children's assignments. Often parents complain to the school. However, parents know that there is currently a pandemic and prohibits children from leaving the house.

Laziness shouldn't be a prolonged condition, but when this condition gets longer, it can become a problem and annoyance for a child. There are some children who delay doing the school assignments given during this pandemic, so that feeling of laziness becomes difficult to get rid of.

To overcome the feeling of laziness, parents would be better off giving the child the best attention and education when at home so that the child's laziness does not become a habit when he grows up. There are so many ways to overcome/avoid laziness so that people can live a better quality of life.

Here are some ways to overcome laziness:

1. Doing useful activities, both in improving the quality of life such as learning in terms of art, whether painting, learning musical instruments, or starting a business by selling clothes, food or services and can also do small activities such as traveling or taking a vacation. thus fighting boredom due to lack of activity.

2. Having a hobby, there are many things you can do. Not only hobbies but we can do all kinds of activities either outside or inside the house. Running a hobby can also improve the quality of life in humans.

3. Adequate sleep and rest is very influential because poor sleep quality causes humans to be lazy to move so that they are disturbed in all tasks. And make humans do not have enough rest. And to overcome this by changing the hours of sleep earlier.

4. Enjoying natural scenery, enjoying nature by looking at plants, such as trees, meadows, or flowers, can restore enthusiasm and make the mind clearer.

5. Laziness can also arise because the body is not in excellent condition or is not in good condition. Therefore, change your lifestyle to be healthier, such as drinking lots of water, avoiding sugary and high-fat foods, eating high-protein foods, and quitting smoking.

Mental laziness can also occur when the mood is not good, usually a bad mood due to the causes of problems in life. So that makes humans less motivated to continue a good life.

The feeling of laziness that is getting more and more maintained until the feeling of laziness becomes like ingrained. Even though laziness is a natural thing experienced by every human being, but it should not interfere with our activities because we often procrastinate and remain silent without doing anything.

Laziness is not a character but it is like a signal that we haven't found anything that gives us energy and motivation, so we need to recognize who you are, what we are like, what we can do, what our nature needs to be. by ourselves. Everyone goes through the process at their own time.

Believing that we can do it is a positive thing that we can think about so that whatever we do we become more confident, and know our capacity.

Now that we know how to overcome laziness, when we are able to avoid feeling lazy, it is time for us to pursue what we dream of and start learning and pursuing it. Dreams are like precious gold where many people want you to be able to achieve them. By pursuing our dreams we can make the people around us happy and our quality of life will be better than before.

Keep Going and Hello Future...

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1 year ago
