Wheel of life

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Avatar for Tegesan234
2 years ago

"The Wheel Turns". So is the wheel of life. The wheel of life that is driven by destiny is paired directly with time.

Remember about time, remember that time is very disciplined. It never comes earlier or later. The right time will soon come. If not now, maybe tomorrow. Because the word tomorrow will never run out.

Life is a journey. He is never separated from two conditions, whether the wind is on our side or the wind is on the side of others. The wheel of fate is always turning, nothing is always up and nothing is always down.

Every scene of life that we live has a beautiful story. Never missed a bit of the actual plot.

As we live and go through every moment in life, we are made aware of the discussions that exist, which life always spins like a wheel. Sometimes below sometimes above. When the wheel of our lives is under, we need patience to react to it. Back to the past, gratitude is one powerful way so that we don't forget that we can never be in a lower position.

$ 1.93
$ 1.93 from @TheRandomRewarder
