The Hidden Truth
What's more romantic than speaking the truth? Is love more romantic than the truth? Without truth, love is colonialism. Love also needs a drop of truth.
The search for truth is as old as human history itself. The early philosophers' questions about reality indicated an attempt to understand the world outside the self.
Humans were amazed, and asked about the reality before him. Humans marvel at the complexity and beauty of the universe. Before his eyes, the universe depicted the majesty of the Creator.
Fall Up Science
The sense of awe, wonder, and respect for the universal order is condensed in the practice of science. Science becomes a concrete form of the basic human effort to find the truth.
This is where one of the most important turning points in human history, when Myth becomes the Logos. When the human way of thinking changes from a mythological way of thinking to a rational way of thinking, it is called the Logos.
The practice of the Logos is depicted in the four basic activities of science, namely understanding, explaining, predicting, and controlling reality. However, history does not go as smoothly as what is written on paper. For a long time, human civilization has been ruled by authority. Freedom of thought and innovation is just a floating hope without reality.
At that time, man was imprisoned by an authority outside himself. Politics and religion make science mute without being able to speak. As a result, many things become irrational. Diseases and disasters are seen as the irrational wrath of the Creator. The world becomes absurd.
Francis Bacon was born who tried to save science from colonialism. He saw that human knowledge must be based on experience. Only then can humans reach the truth. There is no knowledge without experience. There is no truth without knowledge.
Auguste Comte radicalized Bacon's ideas with his positivism. The reality that deserves to be studied is the positive reality that is observed by the senses. Besides, it's all futile metaphysics.
Positivism shot up in the study of the natural sciences. Many things are found in nature that are useful for improving the quality of life.
Social scientists watch this progress with trepidation. They also intend to use the methods of the natural sciences as a reference.
As a result, human life, which is the study of the social sciences, is narrowed solely to what is observed by the senses. Human life is only understood as a fact. In fact, humans also have values that make their lives meaningful. Values that are not visible to the eye, but are the core of his life. This is what positivism does not understand in its research.
Ironically, this positivistic practice has become fashionable in the social sciences. Psychology, sociology, and economics use this approach as a point of departure for analysis of the social world. Human life is narrowed down as a banal sense object. Science, which was about to free itself from the shackles of authority, has now fallen into a new cage of its own making. Science becomes mechanical, and loses the capacity for self-criticism.
Humans are also considered as fully defined creatures. The truth remains unmoved and hidden.
Need Alternative
In fact, like all human beings, humans make pilgrimages in the world looking for meaning. His search was endless. With that awareness, an alternative perspective is important to formulate. An alternative scientific paradigm that no longer views humans as stagnant objects, but as projects that still have to be completed.
In this alternative paradigm, truth is considered embedded in the reality of life. Life is also seen as a network of multiple and intertwined meanings. Even though they are diverse and form a complex network, reality is still seen as a single entity. It is in the unity of plurality that truth is found.
In this paradigm, humans are not defined objects, but subjects who have free will. He is aware of himself, at the same time already grounded in reality. Without reality, it does not become free. Man knows, and with that knowledge he becomes free. Knowledge is an artifact of life that makes human life better.
The quality of human life is determined by its humanity. An alternative paradigm is needed that ensures humanity remains the priority. It is not the object of knowledge that is important, but the humanitarian crisis that needs to be resolved. The humanitarian crisis is also a crisis of human involvement in the development of the world of life.
Science that exists today has made humans isolated and silent. Instead of cultivating admiration and respect for reality, science has trapped humans in webs of doubt and boredom. An alternative paradigm in science is needed that recognizes and respects the complexities of reality and the self. Who knows with that, the truth will no longer be hidden.